Dear all, FYI: my colleague, Harald Schnurbusch, has attended to the issue of auto-grading Jupyter Notebooks as part of the Moodle integration of Jupyter. I took the liberty to forward him Lars Pieschel's mail. Best wishes Malte Persike Von: Pieschel, Lars <lars.pieschel@rwth-aachen.de> Gesendet: Freitag, 4. September 2020 18:31 An: jupyter@lists.rwth-aachen.de Cc: welten@dbis.rwth-aachen.de; gleim@dbis.rwth-aachen.de Betreff: [Jupyter] Automatic evaluation of jupyter notebooks Hello everyone, I was tasked by the chair I5 to digitalize the Semantic Web Lecture using Jupyter notebooks but have some questions regarding the evaluation of said notebooks. We plan on using the RWTH JupyterHub as a substitute for Exercises and would like to automatically grade the jupyter notebooks with unittest on the output. Are there already recommended methods to do this or can you use something like nbgrader (https://nbgrader.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) on the RWTH JupyterHub? Apart from that, are there ways to integrate the submission and/or grading of jupyter notebooks into RWTHmoodle? The workflow should look like this: 1. The students get their assignments in form of a jupyter notebook with gaps they have to fill. 2. After they are done working on their notebooks, they can submit them for grading. 3. The notebook is evaluated using unittests. Ideally the notebooks can only be submitted before a certain deadline and after a notebook gets graded, the grade is automatically transmitted to RWTHmoodle. Best regards and thank you in advance, Lars Pieschel