Stellenausschreibung bzgl. Studienassistenz

Liebe Studierende, anbei eine Stellenausschreibung von unseren Kollegen von vorschub. Bitte wenden Sie sich bei Interesse an die unten angegebene Kontaktadresse. ----------------------------------------------------- im August / September wird ein Studierender der NTNU nach Aachen kommen und bis ca. August 2022 hier bleiben und studieren. In Norwegen studiert er aktuell computer science. Aufgrund einer starken Sehbehinderung benötigt er eine Studienassistenz, die ihn im Studienalltag unterstützt. Im Anhang finden Sie eine Ausschreibung von der Stelle, die in Norwegen seine Assistenzen organisiert. Eventuell wäre auch denkbar, dass sich zwei Studierende die Stelle teilen, da der Stundenumfang recht groß ist. * Hi! * One of our Norwegian students is going to start the Erasmus exchange on RWTH Aachen in August. He is going to study for 2 semesters, but since he is unable to see, he needs assistance for 16 hours a week. That is why we are searching for students for this exciting position. Here is a list of possible tasks for the position: • Assist with purchase of food and everyday utilities • Guide and general assistance with traveling around in the city • Guide and general assistance with traveling around on campus • Assist in keeping the apartment clean and tidy • Helping to prepare dinner • Assisting In school-related tasks • Assisting in setting up equipment such as pc, wifi, tv, etc • Assist by attending leisure activities, such as concerts and training • (not required) Having access to a car • Assisting whilst traveling to different events both inside and outside the city We expect from our candidates: • to be RWTH Aachen students • to be resident in Germany (to have a German social insurance number) • no criminal record • be friendly, social, and open-minded We provide: • contracted good salary (€18/hour) • important and exciting work • possibility to train Norwegian/English language If you are interested, please send your CV on my email that is below. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me: *Kind Regards, * *Kevin Stormo* *Medvind Assistanse AS* ** ** <>
participants (1)
Christian Herold, Fachstudienberatung Bachelor Informatik