RWTH AI Week 31.08. - 03.09.2021

Liebe Studierende, anbei eine Information des RWTH Center for Artificial Intelligence. *RWTH AI Week**(31.08. - 03.09.2021): Our Future with Artificial Intelligence* Dear students, Today, we are happy to announce the *RWTH AI Week <>*: Accompanying the award of the “Aachener Ingenieurspreis” to Professor Dr. Sebastian Thrun, RWTHextern and the RWTH Center for Artificial Intelligence present a series of events, talks, and discussions on artificial intelligence. We would like to invite you to *register for these events (in case you want to attend in person)* or follow the live stream on the RWTH YouTube channel <>. Professor Thrun is awarded the “Aachener Ingenieurspreis” to honor his visionary involvement and his research impulses in the fields of artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, and digital education. Inspired by this, the themed week emphasizes the importance of the complex topic “artificial intelligence” for our society. AI will influence our daily life in a variety of ways. This series of events offers insights into current AI research and highlights different perspectives – in an entertaining and comprehensible way, and always open for critical dialogue. We are offering a versatile program (see the attached flyer), which covers various aspects of AI. A series of varied short presentations by researchers from RWTH University under the title *“AI in a nutshell”* provides insights into recent research questions in the field of AI. During a *scientific symposium*, the award winner Sebastian Thrun as well as other renowned scientists introduce their current research. The themed week also offers the possibility to discuss the influence of AI on our daily life with researchers, politicians, and artists - for example during a special of the discussion series *“Uni im Rathaus” *with the topic “AI and me” or during a *reading of the book “DAVE”* by the author Raphaela Edelbauer and the following discussion. All events within the context of the AI week are free of charge. However, *a registration is required to attend the events in person*. You can find the registration links on our homepage <>. In addition, all events will be streamed live on the RWTH University YouTube channel <>. We kindly ask for your understanding in case that RWTH is forced to adjust the event format to the regulations (Coronaschutzverordnung - CoronaSchVO) applicable in September. Please do not hesitate to contact us <> in case you have any questions regarding the events. *_____________________________*** *Editor: * Hannah Markgraf /Coordinator / RWTH Center for Artificial Intelligence <>
participants (1)
Christian Herold, Fachstudienberatung Bachelor Informatik