Einladung: Informatik-Kolloquium Herr Prof. Dr. Michael Thielscher

+********************************************************************** * * * Einladung * * * * Informatik-Kolloquium * * * +********************************************************************** Prof. Dr. Michael Thielscher, University of New South Wales, Sydney Time: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 16:00h Place: E3 Rm 9222 Title: Epistemic Reasoning and Planning for AI Systems with General Intelligence Abstract: AI systems exhibit general intelligence when they are capable of understanding new problems and tasks and can solve them without human intervention. In this talk I, will explain the role of epistemic reasoning and planning to increase the range of problems that an AI system can solve when interacting with other AI agents or humans. I will present a simple high-level action description language for multi-agent epistemic planning along with a more expressive language for describing so-called epistemic games to a general problem-solving system. I will discuss how general problem-solving systems can take advantage of Epistemic Strategy Logic (SLK) as a rich formalism for reasoning about multi-agent systems and the strategic behavior of agents with partial observability, and I will touch upon a new project where we apply epistemic reasoning to create digitally embodied AI companions to address the challenge of reducing loneliness. Short Bio: Michael Thielscher is a professor of computer science at UNSW Sydney, where he is also associated with the iCinema Research Centre. He received his Ph.D. and Higher Doctorate (Habilitation) in Computer Science from Darmstadt University in Germany. He has held the positions of associate professor at Dresden University and visiting professor at Toulouse 1 Capitole University. His Habilitation thesis was honoured with the Award for Research Excellence by the alumni of Darmstadt University; he co-authored the system Fluxplayer, the 2006 World Champion at the AAAI General Game Playing Competition; and in 2009 he won a Future Fellowship Award from the Australian Research Council. His research focuses mainly on general problem-solving AI, the foundations of knowledge representation, and the application of knowledge representation and reasoning both to robotics as well as in arts and culture. Es laden ein: die Dozentinnen und Dozenten der Informatik _______________________________ Leany Maaßen RWTH Aachen University Lehrstuhl Informatik 5, LuFG Informatik 5 Prof. Dr. Stefan Decker, Prof. Dr. Matthias Jarke, Prof. Gerhard Lakemeyer Ph.D., JunProf. Dr. Sandra Geisler Ahornstrasse 55 D-52074 Aachen Tel: 0241-80-21509 Fax: 0241-80-22321 E-Mail: maassen@dbis.rwth-aachen.de
participants (1)
Maaßen, Leany