Einladung Informatik-Kolloquium Prof. Salil Kanhere

+********************************************************************** * * * Einladung * * * * Informatik-Kolloquium * * * +********************************************************************** Zeit: Montag, 21. Oktober 2019, 10.30 Uhr Ort: Informatikzentrum, E3, Raum 9007 Referent: Prof. Salil Kanhere School of Computer Science and Engineering, UNSW Sydney Thema: TrustChain: Trust Management in Blockchain and IoT supported Supply Chains Abstract: Traceability and integrity are major challenges for the increasingly complex supply chains of today’s world. Although blockchain technology has the potential to address these challenges through providing a tamper-proof audit trail of supply chain events and data associated with a product lifecycle, it does not solve the trust problem associated with the data itself. Reputation systems are an effective approach to solve this trust problem. However, current reputation systems are not suited to the blockchain based supply chain applications as they are based on limited observations, they lack granularity and automation, and their overhead has not been explored. In this talk, we propose TrustChain, as a three-layered trust management framework which uses a consortium blockchain to track interactions among supply chain participants and to dynamically assign trust and reputation scores based on these interactions. The novelty of TrustChain stems from: (a) the reputation model that evaluates the quality of commodities, and the trustworthiness of entities based on multiple observations of supply chain events, (b) its support for reputation scores that separate between a supply chain participant and products, enabling the assignment of product-specific reputations for the same participant, (c) the use of smart contracts for transparent, efficient, secure, and automated calculation of reputation scores, and (d) its minimal overhead in terms of latency and throughput when compared to a simple blockchain based supply chain model. Speaker Biography: Salil Kanhere is a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW Sydney. He is also a conjoint researcher at CSIRO's Data61 and a participating researcher in the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre. He has held visiting appointments at Technical University Darmstadt, University of Zurich, Graz University of Technology and Institute of Infocom Research Singapore. His research interests include Internet of Things, blockchain, cyber physical systems, applied machine learning and cybersecurity. His research has been featured in various media outlets including ABC News Australia, Forbes, IEEE Spectrum, Wired, ZDNET, Computer World, Medium and MIT Technology Review. He serves as the Editor in Chief of the Ad Hoc Networks Journal and as Associate Editor of Pervasive and Mobile Computing and Computer Communications journals. He is an Humboldt Research Fellow and ACM Distinguished Speaker. He regularly serves on the organising committee of top-tier IEEE/ACM conferences in his discipline. Es laden ein: die Dozentinnen und Dozenten der Informatik
participants (1)
Roman Matzutt