Dear all, part of the programme of the research training group UnRAVeL is a series of lectures on the topics of UnRAVeL’s research thrusts algorithms and complexity, verification, logic and languages, and their application scenarios. Each lecture is given by one of the researchers involved in UnRAVeL. This years topic is "UnRAVeL - New Ideas!". In these lectures, UnRAVeL professors will discuss current research as well as highlight open problems and offer a perspective on potential future directions. All interested doctoral researchers and master students are invited to attend the UnRAVeL lecture series 2024 and engage in discussions with researchers and doctoral students. All events take place on Thursdays 12:30 to 14:00, Computer Science Center, Building E2, ground floor, B-IT room 5053.2. The schedule is as following: 11.04 - Joost-Pieter Katoen: Facing Uncertainty in AI: From Verification to Synthesis 18.04 - Erika Ábrahám: Relating Stochastic Hybrid Petri Nets and Stochastic Hybrid Automata 25.04 - Nils Nießen: Open (Research) Problems in Railways. What to do? 02.05 - Jürgen Giesl: Termination and Complexity Analysis of (Probabilistic) Programs: Results and Future Work 16.05 - Martin Grohe: The Complexity of Constraint Satisfaction 06.06 - Sebastian Trimpe: Bayesian Optimization for High-Dimensional, Adaptive, and Safe Controller Learning 13.06 - Christina Büsing: Robust Optimization in Health Care 27.06 - Michael Schaub: How can algebraic topology help with data analysis? 04.07 - Gerhard Lakemeyer: Challenges in Cognitive Robotics 11.07 - Christopher Morris: Understanding the Generalization Abilities of Graph Neural Networks: Current Results and Future Directions 18.07 - Britta Peis: Future Research in Submodular Function Optimization We are looking forward to seeing you at the first lecture this Thursday! Kind regards, Jan-Christoph for the organisation committee
participants (1)
Kassing, Jan-Christoph