Dear all, this is a reminder for Gerhard Lakemeyer's talk with the title "The Situation Calculus as Lingua Franca for Reasoning about Action" taking place today at 12:30 in the B-IT room 5053.2. Please find the details below --- Abstract --- The Situation Calculus is almost as old as the field of Artificial Intelligence, and thanks to the groundbreaking work by the late Ray Reiter it is still one of the most used and best understood logical formalisms for reasoning about action and change. In this lecture I will introduce the modern form of the situation calculus due to Ray Reiter and go over extensions such as probabilistic actions and the action programming language Golog built on top of the situation calculus. ---------------- Part of the programme of the research training group UnRAVeL is a series of lectures on the topics of UnRAVeL’s research thrusts algorithms and complexity, verification, logic and languages, and their application scenarios. Each lecture is given by one of the researchers involved in UnRAVeL. This years topic is "Biggest Milestones - Research at Its Peak", UnRAVeL professors will present the most important milestone of their respective research. All interested doctoral researchers and master students are invited to attend the UnRAVeL lecture series 2023 and engage in discussions with researchers and doctoral students. Next week we have a talk from Christopher Morris with the title "Weisfeiler and Leman Go Machine Learning: Expressivity and Generalization of Graph Neural Networks" We are looking forward to seeing you at the lectures. Kind regards, Jan-Christoph for the organisation committee