


*                          Einladung




*                     Informatik-Oberseminar






Zeit:  Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2021, 15.00 Uhr

Zoom: https://rwth.zoom.us/j/96367107600?pwd=c2lMb2M1OXZXSHZFalRySUR2QTExUT09


Referent: Oliver Kautz M.Sc.

                  Lehrstuhl Informatik 3


Thema: Model Analyses Based on Semantic Differencing and Automatic Model Repair




Models are the primary development artifacts used in model-driven software development.

Therefore, models continuously evolve during the design, development, and

maintenance of software systems. Thus, model differencing is an important task to

understand the syntactic and semantic differences between model versions.

Previous work produced general (and thus language-independent) approaches for syntactic

model differencing, but only a few language-dependent approaches for semantic

model differencing. Approaches combining syntactic with semantic model differencing

by relating the syntactic changes of models to their semantic differences rarely exist.


Previous work neglected the development of language-independent approaches abstracting

from a concrete model property for detecting the syntactic elements of a model,

which cause that the model does not satisfy the property. If the property encodes a

requirement and the non-satisfaction represents the existence of a bug, then detecting

the syntactic model elements causing the non-satisfaction of the property facilitates

developers in detecting the syntactic model elements causing the bug.


In this talk, we present a framework for precisely defining modeling languages, including

syntax, semantics, and model evolution possibilities. We discuss syntactic and semantic

model differencing. The framework is instantiated with four concrete modeling languages:

Time-synchronous port automata, feature diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams.

Based on the framework for precisely defining modeling languages, we present a modeling

language and property-independent framework for automatic model repairs. The framework

facilitates developers in detecting the syntactic elements of a model causing that the

model does not satisfy a property. Instantiating the framework with a concrete modeling

language and a concrete model property enables the automatic calculation of syntactic

changes that transform a model not satisfying the property to a model that satisfies the

property. The framework relies on the assumption that it is possible to partition the

syntactic changes applicable to each model into finitely many model-specific and property-

specific equivalence classes.



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