+********************************************************************** * * * Einladung * * * * Informatik-Oberseminar * * * +********************************************************************** Zeit: Dienstag, 20. Juli 2021, 10:00-11:00 Uhr Zoom: <https://rwth.zoom.us/j/93538347394?pwd=YXlqZ1VqSE0vRjRnclRtQTY5RVJOZz09> https://rwth.zoom.us/j/93538347394?pwd=YXlqZ1VqSE0vRjRnclRtQTY5RVJOZz09 Meeting-ID: 935 3834 7394 Kenncode: 388699 Referent: Herr Peter Marcel de Lange, M.Sc. Lehrstuhl Informatik 5 Thema: Scaffolding Decentralized Community Information Systems for Lifelong Learning Communities Abstract: With the rise of the Web 2.0, social networking sites and content management systems enabled professional communities to create Web content. But it simultaneously put the communities at the mercy of the platform operators and software providers. Decentralized community information systems bring in a new perspective by offering self-hosting, self-governing and self-developing communities. In this dissertation, we followed a design science approach that provides support for communities to create and host their own, decentralized community information systems. On the one hand, we produced several artifacts to provide possible answers to the question of what properties such an infrastructure needs to fulfill. On the other hand, we transfer the metaphor of educational scaffolding to the domain of service development. We demonstrated and evaluated our open source artifacts on a European scale, with three longitudinal studies conducted within several communities from different areas of technology enhanced learning, such as the European voluntary service, vocational and educational training providers and in higher education mentoring scenarios. Es laden ein: die Dozentinnen und Dozenten der Informatik _______________________________ Leany Maaßen RWTH Aachen University Lehrstuhl Informatik 5, LuFG Informatik 5 Prof. Dr. Stefan Decker, Prof. Dr. Matthias Jarke, Prof. Gerhard Lakemeyer Ph.D. Ahornstrasse 55 D-52074 Aachen Tel: 0241-80-21509 Fax: 0241-80-22321 E-Mail: maassen@dbis.rwth-aachen.de