* Einladung
* Informatik-Oberseminar
Zeit: Freitag, 20. Oktober 2023, 15.30 Uhr
Ort: Seminarraum Informatik 4 (COMSYS) - 9007, E3, Ahornstr. 55 [1]
Digtaler Zugang (hybrider Vortrag): https://rwth.zoom-x.de/j/69772277508?pwd=SU5qN1FPVXI5V3UwakYydnBUUW1Ldz09
(Meeting-ID: 697 7227 7508 Kenncode: 031824)
Referent: Roman Matzutt M.Sc.
Lehrstuhl Informatik 4 (COMSYS)
Thema: Demystifying and Adjusting the Promises of Blockchain-based Data
Management in the Permissionless Setting
The digital currency Bitcoin introduced the blockchain as a data
structure for establishing consensus in a decentralized manner.
Since then, blockchain technology generalized to immutably recording
arbitrary events and data, now allowing more general online
interactions between distrusting users. This interaction model sparked
a tremendous interest in blockchain technology, its potential,
and applications. However, the identification of multiple shortcomings
has since dampened this initial spirit of optimism.
Our research focuses on deepening the understanding of these
shortcomings, improving upon them, and gauging the true potential for
blockchain-backed applications despite these limitations. We take a
data-driven perspective to assess the security and longevity of
permissionless blockchains, such as Bitcoin, where anybody can access
the blockchain's full history and propose new data to be appended.
Here, we identify two core challenges: First, the ability of malicious
actors to irrevocably append illicit content to a blockchain implies
required moderation capabilities despite the desired immutability.
Second, the need for massively replicating the full and ever-growing
blockchain history poses significant scalability challenges.
We tackle these challenges with four contributions. First, we
systematically analyze the phenomenon of blockchain content insertion,
showing that inserting illicit content can create devastating
consequences. Second, we explore means to mitigate these consequences
by considering strategies to prevent content insertion and by proposing
a new redactable blockchain for the swift and transparent removal of
unwanted content. Third, we address the challenge of ever-growing
blockchain sizes by proposing a gradually deployable block-pruning
scheme that is retrofittable to Bitcoin and enables users to
retroactively reduce their storage requirements.
Finally, our fourth contribution shows that permissionless blockchains
still hold an untapped potential for fueling novel applications by
demonstrating how Bitcoin can help securely bootstrapping decentralized
anonymity services.
Overall, we shed new light on the potential impact of the data
persisted on blockchains and widen the scope for resilient and durable
blockchain designs for data management tasks.
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[1] https://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/fileadmin/misc/how-to-get-to-comsys.pdf