Hallo, Matthias Wichtlhuber vom DeCIX hält nächsten Dienstag für die Aachener Informatik einen Vortrag über Gegenmaßnahmen zu Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks am DeCIX und über die Traffic Veränderungen am DeCIX aufgrund des COVID-19 lockdowns. Wann: Dienstag 24.4. 11:00 Zoom Meeting ID: 916 2538 0906, Password: 091338 https://rwth.zoom.us/j/91625380906?pwd=cEJCSk01VkVEUUpTSjgzYTlnNk5Odz09 Abstract des Vortrags: We will start with a short introduction of Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) and their operations. With this background, we will discuss the topic of Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks at IXPs. We present results of a recent measurement study of DDoS-for-hire Websites (Booters) and the traffic effects of a seizure operation of 15 Booter websites by the FBI in late 2018 [1]. Subsequently, we introduce the concept of Advanced Blackholing, a published and operational mechanism designed by the DE-CIX research team to defend IXP links against DDoS attacks [2]. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we will close the presentation by showing some preliminary results on the traffic shifts caused by nation-wide lockdowns in several countries. Über Matthias Wichtlhuber: Matthias Wichtlhuber holds a Diploma in Information Systems from Universität Mannheim and a Ph. D. from Technische Universität Darmstadt. His Ph. D. thesis focused on optimizing content delivery on the Internet. During his Ph. D. he worked on numerous EU and nationally funded research projects as well as industrial projects. After his studies, he joined DE-CIX, the operator of the largest Internet Exchange Point (IXP) in the world in Frankfurt. He is a member of the DE-CIX research team and works on product development, system security, future network architectures for Internet exchange points, and large-scale network data analysis. [1] Kopp, D., Wichtlhuber, M., Poese, I., Santanna, J., Hohlfeld, O., & Dietzel, C.: “DDoS Hide & Seek: On the Effectiveness of a Booter Services Takedown”, ACM IMC, 2019. [2] Dietzel, C., Wichtlhuber, M., Smaragdakis, G., & Feldmann, A.: “Stellar: Network Attack Mitigation using Advanced Blackholing”, ACM CoNEXT, 2018.