Dear all, this is a reminder for Joost-Pieter Katoen's talk with the title "Can we meet the deadline? Most probably: yes!" taking place today at 12:30 in the B-IT room 5053.2. Please find the details below --- Abstract --- Continuous-time Markov chains are used in systems biology, classical performance evaluation, reliability engineering, physics, and so on. We study a the following analysis problem for CMTCs: how to compute the probability to reach a certain target state within a given deadline? Phrased more practically: how likely is it that all substrates have turned into products in a catalytic chemical reaction within a week? We will show that this probability can be characterised as a unique solution of a Volterra integral equation system, whose computation can be reduced to transient analysis of a slightly modified CTMC. We will show why this problem is of practical relevance, that it can be efficiently solved on CTMCs with millions of states, and why its natural generalisation to stochastic scheduling problems is hard. This result was published in 1999, received a test-of-time award in 2022, and forms the ingredient of many state-of-the-art CTMC tools. ---------------- Part of the programme of the research training group UnRAVeL is a series of lectures on the topics of UnRAVeL’s research thrusts algorithms and complexity, verification, logic and languages, and their application scenarios. Each lecture is given by one of the researchers involved in UnRAVeL. This years topic is "Biggest Milestones - Research at Its Peak", UnRAVeL professors will present the most important milestone of their respective research. All interested doctoral researchers and master students are invited to attend the UnRAVeL lecture series 2023 and engage in discussions with researchers and doctoral students. Note that this is the last lecture for this year! We are looking forward to seeing you today. Kind regards, Jan-Christoph for the organisation committee