+********************************************************************** * * * Einladung * * * * Informatik-Oberseminar * * * +********************************************************************** Zeit: Dienstag, 30. Januar 2024, 14.00 Uhr Ort: 9222, E3, Ahornstr. 55 und hybrid via Zoom (https://rwth.zoom-x.de/j/64937773189?pwd=eGttNUMzSElnQUVkc3FrYzBqK2F4UT09) Referent: Lubna Ali M.Sc. RWTH Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Informatik 9 (Lerntechnologien) Thema: convOERter: A Technical Assistance Tool to Support Semi-Automatic Conversion of Images in Educational Materials as OER Abstract: Open Educational Resources (OER) are seen as an important element in the process of digitizing higher education teaching and as essential building blocks for openness in education. They can be defined as teaching, learning, and research materials that have been made openly available, shareable, and modifiable. OER include different types of resources such as full courses, textbooks, videos, presentations, tests, and images, which are usually published under the open Creative Commons licences. OER can play an important role in improving education by facilitating access to high quality digital educational materials. Accordingly, there is a steady increase among higher education institutions to participate in the so-called "open movement" in general and in utilizing OER in particular. Nevertheless, there are many challenges that still face the deployment of OER in the educational context. One of the main challenges is the production of new OER materials and converting already existing materials into OER, which could be viable by qualifying educators through training courses and/or supporting them with specific tools. There are many platforms and tools that support the creation of new OER content. However, to our knowledge, there are no tools that perform fully- or semi-automatic conversion of already existing educational materials. This identified gap was the basis for the design and implementation of the OER conversion tool (convOERter). The tool supports the user by semi-automatically converting educational materials containing images into OER-compliant materials. The main functionality of the tool is based on reading a file, extracting all images as well as all possible metadata, and substituting the extracted images with OER elements in a semi-automated way. The retrieved OER images are referenced and licenced properly according to the known TASLL rule. Finally, the entire file is automatically licenced under Creative Commons excluding specific elements from the entire licence such as logos. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the tool in promoting the use of OER, a comprehensive user study was conducted with educators and OER enthusiastic at different universities. The study was accomplished by offering a series of OER evaluation workshops to compare the conversion efficiency of the tool with manual conversion. The results show that using the conversion tool improves the conversion process in terms of speed, license quality, and total efficiency. These results highlight that the tool can be a valuable addition to the community, especially for users less experienced with OER. As a future work, it is intended to further develop the tool and improve its functionality. Additionally, a long-term study can be conducted to assess the impact of the tool in facilitating and enhancing the production of OER on a larger scale. Es laden ein: die Dozentinnen und Dozenten der Informatik