Health is one of the most important factors for the prosperity and well-being of a society.
In recent years, this system is challenged by demographic changes: the elderly population
(age 65 and older) will increase, which will result in a higher demand for health care services.
Simultaneously the decrease in the fertility rate results in a shrinking number of trained
medical staff. In order to keep the high standard of the German health care system,
it is crucial to improve on the efficient and effective use of our resources.
Planning and
organization in these fields are complicated by the uncertain nature of
health care processes,
e.g., the fluctuating demand, arrival time of patients, emergency patients,
durations of a single
treatment, length of stay or resource failures. These uncertainties are
rarely incorporated in the
optimization process, if optimization and mathematical methods are
used at all. In this talk,
I will present, how we approach such kind of optimization problems and
show examples how
robust optimization can be used to integrated these uncertainties into the optimization process.