Hybrid systems are systems, whose behavior is composed from continuous evolution interrupted by discrete state changes. Hybrid automata are one of the most well-known formalisms to specify hybrid systems.
Also different extensions of hybrid automata have been proposed in the literature to model uncertainties. In this talk we will focus on modeling stochasticity regarding the time point of discrete steps in a compositional framework. The main aim of this talk is not to present a modeling language, but rather to discuss the challenges that come with the design of a compositional modeling language for stochastic hybrid systems. Part of the programme of the research training group UnRAVeL is a series of introductory lectures on the topics of "randomness" and "uncertainty" in UnRAVeL’s research thrusts: Algorithms and complexity, verification, logic and languages, and their application scenarios. The main aim is to
Dear all, this is a reminder for Erika Ábrahám's talk on The Challenge of Compositionality for Stochastic Hybrid Systems <https://www.unravel.rwth-aachen.de/go/id/taysw?lidx=1#aaaaaaaaaatayto> taking place *today at 16:30* in room 5053.2 and on Zoom. Please find the details below. provide doctoral researchers as well as master students a broad overview of the subjects of UnRAVeL. Science undergoes continuous change and lives from the constant quest for novel and better results, which are presented at conferences and in journals. This year, 10 UnRAVeL professors will present some of their most recent research successes. Everyone interested, in particular doctoral researchers and master students, are invited to attend the UnRAVeL lecture series 2022 and engage in discussions with the researchers. The talks take place on Tuesdays, 16:30–18:00 in room 5053.2 in the ground floor of building E2. All events are hybrid. To join remotely, please use https://rwth.zoom.us/j/96003885007?pwd=aUczMVdVU0ZXVGtQUFpwQnJHQUFhUT09 / Meeting ID: 960 0388 5007 / Passcode: 273710 Please find a list of all upcoming talks on the UnRAVeL website <https://www.unravel.rwth-aachen.de/cms/UnRAVeL/Studium/~pzix/Ringvorlesung-Veranstaltung/?lidx=1> and below: * 24/05/2022 Erika Ábrahám: The Challenge of Compositionality for Stochastic Hybrid Systems * 21/06/2022 Sebastian Trimpe: Uncertainty Bounds for Gaussian Process Regression with Applications to Safe Control and Learning * 28/06/2022 Britta Peis: Stackelberg Network Pricing Games * 05/07/2022 Gerhard Lakemeyer: Tractable Reasoning in First-Order Knowledge Bases We are looking forward to seeing many of you in the UnRAVeL survey lecture "What's New in UnRAVeL?". Best regards, Andreas Klinger, Birgit Willms, and Tim Seppelt Logo