Dear friends, 1. I had to change the mailing list's name (games-admin is a associated to games). Now it's mailto:games-web@lists.rwth-aachen.de. 2. We should get the local pages ready in the next two weeks. You could start to fill in the contents (the straight html parts), especially Home, Task # Objectives, Events, and Vacancies. I'll send you the appropriate aachen-warsaw.gif files and also I'll do something on the navigation. It is stupid that a lot of code gets repeated at the start of each file. And then, on our secretary's old browser, the zap-box looks like drek. 3. Bibliographies: Erich suggested that the publication page of each team should hold just all publications of its members, regardless wether on games or not. Additionally, there should be a research results section on the task page to contain all publication within the network that involve the respective task (i.e., including publications from other groups). In both cases only entries newer than September 1st 2002 should be published. Hence, finally we will have three literature blocks: A. Home > Publications B. Home > Task # Background literature C. Home > Task # Research results 4. The task numbers little enlightening. How about taking acronyms or just letters, e.g., [Min] - Minimizing automata and simplifying games / Bordeaux [Alg] - Algorithmic analysis of parity games / Aachen [Rec] - Synthesis and testing for reactive computation / Uppsala [Inf] - Analysis techniques for infinite-state systems / Paris [Ltl] - Linear time model checking / Rice [Pro] - Game models for protocols / Warsaw [Que] - Logics, games, and and efficient query evaluation /Edinburgh [Ssd] - Automata and query languages for semistructured data / Vienna What do you think? Cheers Dietmar -- Dietmar Berwanger Mathematische Grundlagen der Informatik RWTH Aachen D-52056 Aachen, Germany