Martin Leucker wrote:
schickst Du noch sowas wie templates, Hinweise zu Makropaketen etc. rum, oder sollen wir einfach die Seiten kopieren und abaendern??
[ Martin asks about templates, macros, etc. for the local pages.] Yes, I'll send you a package containing, besides the css and the gifs, a script to generate your local site from from the following files 1. home.html 2. task.html 3. events.html 4. vacancies.html and 5. results.bib 6. literature.bib [background literature] which you should provide. The html-files should contain the <-- CONTENTS --> ... <-- /CONTENTS --> part as in the Aachen model - the class names won't change. The entries in the bib-files should have a url field: @INPROCEEDINGS{Nowack03, AUTHOR = {Antje Nowack}, TITLE = {Deciding the Verification Problem for Abstract State Machines}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of ASM 2003 - International Conference on Abstract State Machines}, YEAR = 2003, SERIES = {LNCS}, ADDRESS = {Taormina}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, NOTE = {To appear}, URL = {http://www-mgi.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/pub/nowack/asm03.ps}, ABSTRACT = {We study the ... } } I'll try to get the package ready by Monday. It would be great if you had your contents ready then, so we could see how everything works. See you, Dietmar -- Dietmar Berwanger Mathematische Grundlagen der Informatik RWTH Aachen D-52056 Aachen, Germany