# CiE 2023: CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ## Computability in Europe 2023: **Unity of Logic and Computation** Batumi, Georgia July 24-28, 2023 ## FORMAT The conference will have a **hybrid format**. At the same time, we strongly encourage in-person participation for a richer experience: There are direct flights to Batumi from Istanbul and Tel Aviv, among other airports. Hotels can be booked directly on the conference website ( at a reduced rate. Batumi is located on the Black Sea coast close to the Turkish border. We suggest to book hotels as soon as possible, since Batumi is a well-appreciated touristic location, especially in July. Numerous travel advisory websites currently rank travel to Georgia as very safe. ## IMPORTANT DATES: * Early registration before: **June 18, 2023**. ## GENERAL INFORMATION CiE 2023 is the 19th conference organized by CiE (Computability in Europe), a European association of mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists, philosophers, physicists and others interested in new developments in computability and their underlying significance for the real world. Previous meetings have taken place in Amsterdam (2005), Swansea (2006), Siena (2007), Athens (2008), Heidelberg (2009), Ponta Delgada (2010), Sofia (2011), Cambridge (2012), Milan (2013), Budapest (2014), Bucharest (2015), Paris (2016), Turku (2017), Kiel (2018), Durham (2019), Salerno (2020, virtually), Ghent (2021, virtually), and Swansea (2022). ## TUTORIAL SPEAKERS * Ludovic Perret (Sorbonne University) * Ludovic Patey (Université Paris Diderot) ## INVITED SPEAKERS * Andrei Bulatov (Simon Fraser University) * Anne Condon (University of British Columbia) * Stephanie Dick (University of Pennsylvania) * Kirsten Eisenträger (Pennsylvania State University) * Neil Lutz (Iowa State University) * Mark Steedman (University of Edinburgh) ## SPECIAL SESSIONS The following special sessions will be part of the CiE 2023 activities: * Classical Theories of Degrees * Computational Science * Proof Theory * Scalable computational genomics * Weihrauch Complexity ## CONFERENCE TOPICS The CiE conferences serve as an interdisciplinary forum for research in all aspects of computability, foundations of computer science, logic, and theoretical computer science, as well as the interplay of these areas with practical issues in computer science and with other disciplines such as biology, mathematics, philosophy, or physics. ## PROGRAM COMMITTEE * Nikolay Bazhenov (Novosibirsk State University) * Manuel Bodirsky (TU Dresden) * Vasco Brattka (Bundeswehr-Universitaet Munich) * Liesbeth De Mol (University of Lille) * Gianluca Della Vedova (University of Milano-Bicocca, co-chair) * Besik Dundua (Kutaisi Intl University) * Juan Luis Gastaldi (ETH Zurich) * Thomas Graf (Stony Brook University) * Delaram Kahrobaei (CUNY) * Ekaterina Komendantskaya (Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh) * Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki (Cambridge University) * Steffen Lempp (University of Wisconsin-Madison, co-chair) * Florin Manea (Goettingen University) * Klaus Meer (University Cottbus) * Isabel Oitavem (Nova University Lisbon) * Roland Omanadze (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University) * Daniel Paulusma (Durham University) * Elaine Pimentel (University College London) * Markus Schmid (Humboldt University Berlin) * Shinnosuke Seki (University of Electro-Communications Tokyo) * Sebastiaan Terwijn (Radboud University Nijmegen) * Dan Turetsky (Victoria University of Wellington) * Linda Westrick (Pennsylvania State University) ## WOMEN IN COMPUTABILITY We are very happy to announce that within the framework of the Women in Computability program, we are able to offer some grants for junior women researchers who want to participate in CiE 2023. Applications for this grant should be sent to Liesbeth de Mol,, before May 15, 2023 and include a short cv (at most 2 pages) and contact information for an academic reference. Preference will be given to junior women researchers who are presenting a paper (including informal presentations) at CiE 2023. [Association CiE]( [CiE Conference Series]( ## HOSTED BY Both the in-person and the virtual aspects of the conference will be hosted by Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University Rustaveli str. 32, Batumi, Georgia. The conference will have a **hybrid format** that guarantees the highest possible level of interaction. We are grateful for support from Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University and Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi State University and from the Association for Symbolic Logic. ## ORGANIZING COMMITTEE * Davit Begashvili (Kutaisi International University) * Mikheil Donadze (Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University) * Besik Dundua (chair, Kutaisi International University and Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi State University) * Tsotne Mikadze (Kutaisi International University) * Mikheil Rukhaia (co-chair, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi State University) * Lela Turmanidze (Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University) # CiE 2023: CALL FOR INFORMAL PRESENTATIONS ## Computability in Europe 2023: **Unity of Logic and Computation** ## IMPORTANT DATES: * Deadline for informal presentations submission: **June 8, 2023** (The notifications of acceptance for informal presentations will be sent a few days after submission.) ## INFORMAL PRESENTATIONS Continuing the tradition of past CiE conferences, we invite researchers to present informal presentations of their recent work. A proposal for an informal presentation must be submitted via EasyChair (, using the LNCS style file (available at, and be 1 page long; a brief description of the results suffices and an abstract is not required. Informal presentations will not be published in the LNCS conference proceedings. Results presented as informal presentations at CiE 2023 may appear or may have appeared in other conferences with formal proceedings and/or in journals. Since CiE 2023 will be a hybrid conference, informal presentations may be given remotely or in person.
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