PhD position on Formal Methods for Multi-agent Systems at TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology)

There is an opening for a fully funded research assistant position (PhD student) at the Formal Methods in Systems Engineering group at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria. The successful candidate will be supervised by Prof. Florian Zuleger, and co-supervised by Benjamin Aminof, PhD. The proposed research will apply formal methods (logics and automatic methods enabling temporal and strategic reasoning) for the verification and synthesis of multi-agent systems and their interaction with realistic environments. The work has strong connections to artificial intelligence, distributed computing, and mobile agents/robots. The position is available immediately, a starting date until Fall 2019 is intended. The position is for 3 years. APPLICATION The application should include the candidate's CV, an abstract of their diploma/masters thesis, a short motivation letter, and two letters of recommendation (all five items in a single pdf file; letters of recommendation can also be sent directly). The application should also mention possible starting dates and should be sent to Informal inquiries with Prof Zuleger are welcome. A first screening of applications will start on May 6, 2019.
participants (1)
Mihaela Rozman