LSFA 2018 - Call for Participation 13th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications 26-28 September 2018 Fortaleza, Brazil www.lia.ufc.br/~lsfa2018 ============================================================================= *** Early Registration Deadline: 31 August 2018 *** *** List of accepted papers and registration information is available at www.lia.ufc.br/~lsfa2018 *** ============================================================================= The LSFA Community invites you to participate in the 13th Workshop on Logic and Semantic Frameworks, with Application, LSFA 2018. Logical and semantic frameworks are formal languages used to represent logics, languages and systems. These frameworks provide foundations for the formal specification of systems and programming languages, supporting tool development and reasoning. Invited Speakers + Amy Felty, University of Ottawa + Andreas Herzig, CNRS, IRIT, Université de Toulouse + Yiannis Moschovakis, University of California, Los Angeles & University of Athens + Alessandra Palmigiano, Delft University of Technology Venue Fortaleza is the state capital of Ceará, and 5th most preferred touristic destination in Brazil. The conference will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science of the Federal University of Ceará. Find more info on the event's webpage: www.lia.ufc.br/~lsfa2018 Contact lsfa2018 at lia [d] ufc [d] br
participants (1)
Francicleber M. Ferreira