VerifyThis 2022 --- Call for Problems

VerifyThis 2022: Call for Problems apologies for multiple postings. VerifyThis<> is a series of program verification competitions, which has taken place annually since 2011 (with the exception of 2020). Previous competitions in the series have been held at FoVeOOS 2011, FM 2012, Dagstuhl (April 2014), and ETAPS 2015—2021. To extend the problem pool and tend better to the needs of the participants, we are soliciting verification problems for the competition: * A problem should contain an informal statement of the algorithm to be implemented (optionally with complete or partial pseudo code) and the requirement(s) to be verified. * A problem should be suitable for a 60—90 minute time slot. * Submission of reference solutions is strongly encouraged. * Problems with an inherent language- or tool-specific bias should be clearly identified as such. * Problems that contain several subproblems or other means of difficulty scaling are especially welcome. * The organizers reserve the right (but no obligation) to use the problems in the competition, either as submitted or with modifications. * Submissions from (potential) competition participants are allowed. Problems from previous competitions can be seen at the archive<>. Please send submissions via email to<> by January 31, 2022. The most suitable submission for competition will receive a prize.
participants (1)
Lammich, Peter (UT-EEMCS)