CALL FOR SHORT CONTRIBUTIONS / POSTERS 18th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science RAMiCS 2020 08 to 11 April 2020, Palaiseau, France http://ramics18.gforge.inria.fr/ As a novelty this year, and additionally to the standard CfP, RAMICS is also calling for short contributions and posters. We are hence calling for presentations of original, unfinished, already published, or otherwise interesting work within the topics of the RAMICS conferences. The submission can be in the form of a poster, an abstract, a paper submitted to or published at another conference, etc. Short contributions will *not* be published in the conference proceedings. IMPORTANT DATES: Submission: 14 February 2020 Notification: 28 February 2020 Note that these dates coincide with the ones for WATA 2020, which will take place just after RAMICS, from 14 to 17 April, in Marseille. We encourage double submissions of short contributions. https://wata2020.lis-lab.fr/ INVITED TALKS: Christel Baier, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany Manfred Droste, Universitaet Leipzig, Germany Daniela Petrisan, Universite Paris Diderot, France GENERAL INFORMATION: Since 1994, the RAMICS conference series has been the main venue for research on relation algebras, Kleene algebras and similar algebraic formalisms, and their applications as conceptual and methodological tools in computer science and beyond. TOPICS: We invite short submissions in the general fields of algebras relevant to computer science and applications of such algebras. Topics include but are not limited to: * Theory - algebras such as semigroups, residuated lattices, semirings, Kleene algebras, relation algebras and quantales - their connections with program logics and other logics - their use in the theories of automata, concurrency, formal languages, games, networks and programming languages - the development of algebraic, algorithmic, category-theoretic, coalgebraic and proof-theoretic methods for these theories - their formalisation with theorem provers * Applications - tools and techniques for program correctness, specification and verification - quantitative and qualitative models and semantics of computing systems and processes - algorithm design, automated reasoning, network protocol analysis, social choice, optimisation and control - industrial applications SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Please send your short submission to ramics18-info@lists.gforge.inria.fr by 14 February 2020. COMMITTEES: Organising Committee -------------------- Conf. & PC Co-Chair: Peter Jipsen, Chapman University, USA Conf. & PC Co-Chair: Uli Fahrenberg, École polytechnique, France Conf. & PC Co-Chair: Michael Winter, Brock University, Canada Programme Committee ------------------- Roland Backhouse University of Nottingham, UK Rudolf Berghammer Kiel University, Germany Manuel Bodirsky TU Dresden, Germany Jules Desharnais Laval University, Canada Amina Doumane Warsaw University,Poland Uli Fahrenberg École polytechnique, France Hitoshi Furusawa Kagoshima University, Japan Mai Gehrke LIAFA, France Walter Guttmann University of Canterbury, New Zealand Robin Hirsch University College London, UK Peter Höfner CSIRO, Australia Marcel Jackson La Trobe University, Australia Jean-Baptiste Jeannin University of Michigan, USA Peter Jipsen Chapman University, USA Stef Joosten Open Universiteit, Netherlands Wolfram Kahl McMaster University, Canada Dexter Kozen Cornell University, USA Tadeusz Litak FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Wendy MacCaull St. Francis Xavier University, Canada Roger Maddux Iowa State University, USA Annabelle McIver Macquarie University, Australia Szabolcs Mikulas University of London, UK Ali Mili NJIT, USA Jose Oliveira University of Minho, Portugal Alessandra Palmigiano Technical University of Delft, Netherlands Damien Pous CNRS - ENS Lyon, France Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh University College London, UK Luigi Santocanale LIS, Aix-Marseille Université, France John Stell University of Leeds, UK Georg Struth University of Sheffield, UK Michael Winter Brock University, Canada

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 18th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science RAMiCS 2020 08 to 11 April 2020, Palaiseau, France http://ramics18.gforge.inria.fr/ Since 1994, the RAMICS conference series has been the main venue for research on relation algebras, Kleene algebras and similar algebraic formalisms, and their applications as conceptual and methodological tools in computer science and beyond. The participation fee for RAMiCS is 204 Euro; participation for students (up to MSc level) is free. Please go to http://ramics18.gforge.inria.fr/#regis for registration. Registration ends 15 March, but we appreciate early registrations. CALL FOR SHORT CONTRIBUTIONS / POSTERS Additionally to the standard CfP, RAMiCS is also calling for short contributions and posters. We are hence calling for presentations of original, unfinished, already published, or otherwise interesting work within the topics of the RAMICS conferences. The submission can be in the form of a poster, an abstract, a paper submitted to or published at another conference, etc. Short contributions will *not* be published in the conference proceedings. IMPORTANT DATES: Submission: 14 February 2020 Notification: 28 February 2020 Registration: 15 March 2020 INVITED TALKS: Christel Baier, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany Probabilistic bisimulation with silent moves Manfred Droste, Universitaet Leipzig, Germany Weighted automata and quantitative logics Daniela Petrisan, Universite Paris Diderot, France Combining probabilistic and non-deterministic choice via weak distributive laws TOPICS: We invite short submissions in the general fields of algebras relevant to computer science and applications of such algebras. Topics include but are not limited to: * Theory - algebras such as semigroups, residuated lattices, semirings, Kleene algebras, relation algebras and quantales - their connections with program logics and other logics - their use in the theories of automata, concurrency, formal languages, games, networks and programming languages - the development of algebraic, algorithmic, category-theoretic, coalgebraic and proof-theoretic methods for these theories - their formalisation with theorem provers * Applications - tools and techniques for program correctness, specification and verification - quantitative and qualitative models and semantics of computing systems and processes - algorithm design, automated reasoning, network protocol analysis, social choice, optimisation and control - industrial applications SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Please send your short submission to ramics18-info@lists.gforge.inria.fr<mailto:ramics18-info@lists.gforge.inria.fr> by 14 February 2020. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Conf. & PC Co-Chair: Peter Jipsen, Chapman University, USA Conf. & PC Co-Chair: Uli Fahrenberg, École polytechnique, France Conf. & PC Co-Chair: Michael Winter, Brock University, Canada For more information, see http://ramics18.gforge.inria.fr/
participants (1)
Michael Winter