Call for Participation – Fifth Nordic Logic Summer School (NLS 2024) Call for Abstracts – Twelfth Scandinavian Logic Symposium (SLSS 2024) Reykjavik University, Iceland Event Dates: NLS 2024: 10-13/6 SLSS 2024: 14-16/6 Website: https://scool24.github.io/ deadline for students to apply for ASL funding: March 19 https://aslonline.org/student-travel-awards/ The Nordic Logic Summer School (NLS) and Scandinavian Logic Symposium (SLSS) are respectively the Summer School and the Symposium organized by the Scandinavial Logic Society. This year, both events will take place this June 2024 in Reykjavik, Iceland. NLS will take place from June 10 to 13, and SLSS from June 14 to 16. NLS 2024 Call for Participation: The intended audience for NLS is advanced master students, PhD-students, postdocs and experienced researchers wishing to learn the state of the art in a particular subject. As usual, this year we have an exciting lineup of five lecturers on a wide spectrum of topics. Lecturers: Jandson Ribeiro (Philosophical logic) Sandra Kiefer (Learning and logic) Miika Hannula (Model theory) Greg Restall (Proof theory) Rineke Verbrugge (Logic, CS and AI) For updated information about the summer school and to register, please follow the link: https://scool24.github.io/NLS/ SLSS 2024 Call for Abstracts: The primary aim of the Symposium is to promote research in the field of logic (broadly conceived) carried out in research communities in Scandinavia. Moreover, it warmly invites the participation of logicians from all over the world. The meeting will include invited lectures and a forum for participants to present contributed talks. Suggested topics The scope of SLSS is broad, ranging over the whole areas of Mathematical and Philosophical Logic, as well as Logical Methods in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, among others. Major topics include (but are not limited to): Proof Theory Constructivism Model Theory Set Theory Computability Theory Algebra and Logic Categorical Logic Modal and Temporal Logics Dynamic Logics Logic and Computer Science Logic in AI and Multi-Agent Systems Logic and Linguistics Philosophical Logic Philosophy of Logic, Mathematics and Computation Programme Committee Antonios Achilleos (Reykjavik University, co-chair) Dag Westerståhl (Stockholm University, Tsinghua University, co-chair) Gaia Belardinelli (University of Copenhagen) Jens Classen (Roskilde University) Salvatore Florio (University of Oslo) Juha Kontinen (University of Helsinki) Vera Koponen (Uppsala University) Maria Magdalena Ortiz de la Fuente (TU Wien) Mina Young Pedersen (University of Bergen) Esko Turunen (TU Wien) Invited Speakers Fausto Barbero (University of Helsinki) Sara Negri (University of Genoa) Aybüke Özgün (ILLC, University of Amsterdam) Submissions Abstracts of contributed talks, in PDF format, not exceeding two A4 (11pt) pages, should be submitted through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=slss2024 by April 7 2024 (AoE).Abstracts should be typeset following the format of a LaTeX class file SLS2014.cls, or in a similar format if you prefer to not use LaTeX. Sponsorship by the Association for Symbolic Logic NLS 2024 and SLSS 2024 are sponsored by the ASL. This means that any student who wants to attend these events can apply for an ASL Student Travel Award, to partially cover their expenses. Please not that to do so, the student must be an ASL member and they must send their application to ASL by March 19 at the latest. For more information and to apply for an ASL award, please follow this link: https://aslonline.org/student-travel-awards/ Important dates Submission deadline: April 7 Notification: April 30 Final programme: TBA ASL travel award deadline: March 19 Conference: 14-16 June, 2024
participants (1)
Lauri Hella (TAU)