————————— NEW CALL FOR PAPERS Workshop on Logics of Dependence and Independence (LoDE 2020V) http://www.math.helsinki.fi/logic/LoDE2020/ Online (virtual), August 10-12, 2020 ===================================== COVID-19 UPDATE: This workshop was organized originally as part of ESSLLI 2020, which has now been postponed to 2021 due to the coronavirus outbreak. The organizing committee has decided to move the LoDE workshop online. ===================================== ===================================== *** SUBMISSION DEADLINE: May 8, 2020 *** ===================================== WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION ======================= Logics of dependence and independence are novel non-classical logics aiming at characterizing dependence and independence notions in sciences. This field of research has grown rapidly in recent years. The framework of the logics has found applications also in fields like database theory, linguistics, social choice, quantum physics and so on. This workshop will bring together researchers from all these relevant areas and provide a snapshot of the state of the art of logics of dependence and independence. SUBMISSION DETAILS =================== We invite submissions of 5-page extended abstracts of contributed talks. The submission deadline is **May 8, 2020**. Abstracts must be submitted electronically through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lode2020. Selected papers of the workshop proceedings will be published (after a new round of reviewing) as a special issue of a scientific journal (to be confirmed). IMPORTANT DATES (NEW) ====================== + May 8, 2020: Deadline for paper submission + June 8, 2020: Notification of acceptance + June 22, 2020: Camera ready versions due + August 10-12, 2020: Workshop dates INVITED SPEAKERS ================= Alexandru Baltag (Amsterdam) Ivano Ciardelli (Munich) Pietro Galliani (Bolzano) WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS ====================== Jouko Väänänen (Helsinki) Fan Yang (Helsinki) PROGRAM COMMITTEE ==================== Valentin Goranko (Stockholm) Erich Grädel (Aachen) Miika Hannula (Helsinki) Lauri Hella (Tampere) Åsa Hirvonen (Helsinki) Antti Kuusisto (Helsinki) Eric Pacuit (Maryland) Jouko Väänänen (Helsinki) Jonni Virtema (Hokkaido) Heribert Vollmer (Hannover) Fan Yang (Helsinki) CONTACT