FLOC 2022: The Eighth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2022) July 31 - August 12, 2022, Haifa, Israel EARLY REGISTRATION CLOSED on 20th June 2022. REGULAR REGISTRATION CLOSES on 20th July 2022. ON-SITE REGISTRATION will be possible during the conference. The conference will take place IN PERSON, see https://www.floc2022.org/covid-19 for the latest COVID regulations. It is imperative that you BOOK ACCOMMODATION ASAP to avoid disappointment. * Website: https://www.floc2022.org/ * Registration: https://www.floc2022.org/registration * Accommodation: https://www.floc2022.org/accommodation Registration for the main conference block gives you access to any other conference in the same period. Conference registration includes reception, lunches, and coffee breaks. A banquet ticket can be added to the conference registration. Registration for a workshop day means you can attend any other workshop on the same day. Workshop registration includes lunches and coffee breaks. ACCOMMODATION https://www.floc2022.org/accommodation We have made block bookings at several locations in Haifa until mid-May and any unsold rooms are now being released. It is imperative that you book NOW to avoid disappointment, as July/August is a busy period in Haifa! ABOUT FLOC During the past forty years there has been extensive, continuous, and growing interaction between logic and computer science. In many respects, logic provides computer science with both a unifying foundational framework and a tool for modeling. In fact, logic has been called “the calculus of computer science”, playing a crucial role in diverse areas such as artificial intelligence, computational complexity, distributed computing, database systems, hardware design, programming languages, and software engineering. The Federated Logic Conference brings together several international conferences related to mathematical logic and computer science and was first organized in 1996, as part of the DIMACS Special Year on Logic and Algorithms. Since then FLoC was held in Trento in 1999, Copenhagen in 2002, Seattle in 2006, Edinburgh in 2010, Vienna in 2014, and Oxford in 2018. The eighth Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'22) will be held in Haifa, Israel, in July 2022. CONFERNCES FLoC 2022 brings together twelve major international conferences, 70+ workshops, and several special events. * CAV http://i-cav.org/2022/ * CP https://cp2022.a4cp.org/ * CSF https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/CSF2022/ * DL https://dai.fmph.uniba.sk/events/dl2022/ * FSCD https://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~nachumd/FSCD/ * ICLP https://software.imdea.org/Conferences/ICLP2022/ * IJCAR https://easychair.org/cfp/IJCAR-2022 * ITP https://itpconference.github.io/ITP22/ * KR https://kr2022.cs.tu-dortmund.de/ * NMR https://sites.google.com/view/nmr2022/home-page * LICS https://lics.siglog.org/lics22/ * SAT http://satisfiability.org/SAT22/ KEYNOTES/PLENARY LECTURES * Catuscia Palamidessi, Director of Research at INRIA * Don Knuth, CP invited speaker, The Art of Computer Programming at Stanford University * Orna Kupferman, School of Computer Science and Engineering at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem * Ziyad Hanna, Corporate Vice President at Cadence Design Systems * Aarti Gupta, Department of Computer Science at Princeton University CONFERENCE INVITED SPEAKERS * CAV: Arie Gurfinkel, Neha Rungta * FSCD: Cynthia Kop, Alwen Tiu * ICLP: Fabrizio Riguzzi, Theresa Swift * LICS: Amal Ahmed, Mikolaj Bojanczyk * KR: Yejin Choi, Tony Hunter, Leonid Libkin SOCIAL EVENTS There is one Reception and one Banquet during each FLoC block, and one Workshop Dinner during each of the workshop blocks. For details, see https://www.floc2022.org/program. Guests are welcome: you can reserve your place(s) via the registration system. SPECIAL EVENTS Two logic lounges are held - one on August 2nd and the other on August 7th. See https://www.floc2022.org/logiclounge for details. MENTORING WORKSHOPS Two mentoring workshops will be held, on August 1 and August 5. See https://www.floc2022.org/flocmentoringworkshop for more details. SPONSORSHIP We are indebted to our sponsors for making FLoC possible, see: https://www.floc2022.org/sponsors LOCAL INFORMATION Our website includes details for travel (including accessibility), venues, and things to do in Haifa for our attendees and their families: see https://www.floc2022.org/information for more information. FLoC 2022 promises to be an exciting meeting, and we hope to see you in Haifa! CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS FLoC 2022 invites students to apply to our volunteer program. Volunteers will receive a stipend (a variable amount towards registration and travel costs for students depending on the origin of travel) in exchange for volunteer work at the conference. FLoC’22 volunteers will be able to interact with speakers and participants, network with other researchers, and meet graduate students from all over the world. See https://www.floc2022.org/volunteers for details. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION See https://www.floc2022.org/about _______________________________________________ Vardi-list mailing list Vardi-list@mailman.rice.edu https://mailman.rice.edu/mailman/listinfo/vardi-list