** Apologies if you receive multiple copies of these open positions ** Up to three fully funded research and teaching assistant positions with the opportunity of undertaking a PhD are available within the Verification Group, Department of Computer Science, at the University of Sheffield: *https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/dcs/research/groups/verification <https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/dcs/research/groups/verification>* The verification group at Sheffield is growing rapidly. These posts provide excellent opportunities for graduate students (UK and overseas) to obtain a PhD in any active research area of the group, including semantics of concurrent and distributed systems, logics and complexity, algebraic and categorical approaches to program semantics, coalgebras, verification of multi-core programs and weak memory models, interactive theorem proving. The posts are fully funded for 6 years with 60% devoted to research and 40% to teaching support. For more detailed information (including roles and responsibilities), please see: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CTM862/teaching-and-research-assistant-in-compute... For details on possible supervisors and research projects, please contact our personal websites from our group webpage. For informal enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact any group member by email. The candidates interested in the interplay of category theory (coalgebras), logic, and semantics can write directly to me at h.beohar@sheffield.ac.uk. Current topics include expressive modal logics, behavioural equivalence games, synthesising distinguishing/characteristic formulae all at the level of coalgebras. With kind regards, Harsh Beohar