[Apologies for cross-posting] ====================================================================== WADT 2024 - Second round of abstract submissions 27th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques https://conf.researchr.org/home/wadt-2024 Part of the STAF 2024 multi-conference taking place Mon 8 – Fri 12 July 2024 in Enschede, the Netherlands ====================================================================== AIMS AND SCOPE The algebraic approach to system specification encompasses many aspects of the formal design of software systems. Originally born as a formal method for reasoning about abstract data types, it now covers new specification frameworks and programming paradigms (such as object-oriented, aspect-oriented, agent-oriented, logic and higher-order functional programming) as well as a wide range of application areas (including information systems, concurrent, distributed and mobile systems). The workshop will provide an opportunity to present recent and ongoing work, to meet colleagues, and to discuss new ideas and future trends. TOPICS OF INTEREST Typical, but not exclusive topics of interest are: – Foundations of algebraic specification – Other approaches to formal specification, including process calculi and models of concurrent, distributed, and cyber-physical systems – Specification languages, methods, and environments – Semantics of conceptual modelling methods and techniques – Model-driven development – Graph transformations, term rewriting, and proof systems – Integration of formal specification techniques – Theorem-proving technologies and integration with specification languages – Formal testing and quality assurance, validation, and verification – Algebraic approaches to knowledge representation and cognitive sciences WORKSHOP FORMAT AND LOCATION The workshop will be part of the STAF 2024 multi-conference at Twente, the Netherlands. Presentations will be selected on the basis of submitted abstracts. INVITED SPEAKERS Jan Bergstra (UvA, Netherlands) Bernhard Möller (Uni Augsburg, Germany) IMPORTANT DATES Abstract submission (round 2): 10 May 2024 Abstract notification (round 2): 17 May 2024 Full-paper submission: 16 Sep 2024 Full-paper notification: 25 Nov 2024 SUBMISSIONS The scientific programme of the workshop will include presentations of recent results or ongoing research as well as invited talks. The presentations will be selected by the Programme Committee on the basis of submitted abstracts according to originality, significance and general interest. Abstracts must not exceed two pages, including references, in LNCS format. If a longer version of the contribution is available, it can be made accessible on the web and referenced in the abstract. The abstracts will have to be submitted electronically via EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=staf2024. POST-PROCEEDINGS After the workshop, authors will be invited to submit full papers for the refereed proceedings. All submissions will be reviewed by the Programme Committee. The selection of papers will be based on originality, soundness, and significance of the presented ideas and results. The post-proceedings will then be published by Springer as a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. SPONSORSHIP The workshop takes place under the auspices of IFIP WG 1.3. STEERING COMMITTEE Andrea Corradini (Italy) José Fiadeiro (UK) Rolf Hennicker (Germany) Alexander Knapp (Germany) Hans-Jörg Kreowski (Germany) Till Mossakowski (Germany) Fernando Orejas (Spain) Leila Ribeiro (Brazil) Markus Roggenbach (UK) Grigore Roșu (USA) PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Mihai Codescu (Romania) Andrea Corradini (Italy) Tom van Dijk (Netherlands) Fabio Gadducci (Italy) Rolf Hennicker (Germany) Alex Kavvos (UK) Alexander Knapp (Germany) Leen Lambers (Germany) Alexandre Madeira (Portugal) Manuel A. Martins (Portugal) Narciso Martí-Oliet (Spain) Dominique Mery (France) Till Mossakowski (Germany) Renato Neves (Portugal) Peter Ölveczky (Norway) Fernando Orejas (Spain) Florian Rabe (Germany) Adrián Riesco (Spain) Markus Roggenbach (UK) Pierre Yves Schobbens (Belgium) Ionuț Țuțu (Romania) [chair] Uwe Wolter (Norway) CONTACT INFORMATION Email: wadt2024@outlook.com Homepage: https://conf.researchr.org/home/wadt-2024