Sixth Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science NLCS '19 May 24, 2019 Gothenburg, Sweden http://www.indiana.edu/~iulg/nlcs.html A workshop affiliated with the 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2019) https://sites.google.com/view/iwcs2019/ Endorsed by the Association for Computational Linguistics Special Interest Group on Computational Semantics. AIMS AND SCOPE Formal tools coming from logic and category theory are important in both natural language semantics and in computational semantics. Moreover, work on these tools borrows heavily from all areas of theoretical computer science. In the other direction, applications having to do with natural language has inspired developments on the formal side. The workshop invites papers on both topics. Specific topics includes, but are not limited to: * logic for semantics of lexical items, sentences, discourse and dialog * continuations in natural language semantics * formal tools in textual inference, such as logics for natural language inference * applications of category theory in semantics * linear logic in semantics * formal approaches to unifying data-driven and declarative approaches to semantics INVITED SPEAKERS Krasimir Angelov, University of Gothenburg Rafaella Bernardi, University of Trento PROGRAM COMMITTEE Robin Cooper, University of Gothenburg Valeria de Paiva, Nuance Daisuke Bekki, Ochanomizu University Dag Haug, University of Oslo Aurelie Herbelot, University of Trento Makoto Kanazawa, Hosei University Larry Moss, Indiana University, Bloomington Gerald Penn, University of Toronto Adam Przepiorkowski, Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences Kyle Richardson, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence PAPER SUBMISSIONS Extended abstracts of up to 10 pages may be submitted through Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nlcs18 ORGANIZERS Robin Cooper, University of Gothenburg Email: robin.cooper at ling. gu. se Valeria de Paiva Nuance Email: Valeria.dePaiva at gmail .com Larry Moss Indiana University Email: lsm at cs.indiana . edu IMPORTANT DATES Registration of abstracts: March 1 Paper submission: March 7 Notification: April 7 Electronic versions due: April 20 Workshop Date: May 24, 2019 IWCS'19 Dates: 23-27th May 2019 -- Valeria de Paiva http://vcvpaiva.github.io/ http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~vdp/