Call for Papers (apologies for multiple copies of this email) *** DaLí - Dynamic Logic: new trends and applications *** special issue of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming === Updated Deadlines === Deadline for submission of papers: June 15th, 2023 Notification of acceptance/rejection: November 1st, 2023 Submission of final versions: December 1st, 2023 === General Description === Dynamic Logic (DL), a generalization of the logic of Floyd-Hoare introduced in the 70s by Pratt, is a well-known and particularly powerful way of combining propositions, for capturing static properties of program states, and structured actions, responsible for transitions from a state to another (and typically combined through a Kleene algebra to express sequential, non-deterministic, iterative behavior of systems), into a formal framework to reason about, and verify, classic imperative programs. Over time DL grew to encompass a family of logics increasingly popular in the verification of computational systems, and able to evolve and adapt to new, and complex validation challenges. In particular, the dynamic logic community is interested in the study of operators that can modify the structure in which they are being evaluated. Examples include dynamic logics tailored to specific programming problems or paradigms (e.g., separation logics to model the evolution of a program heap); languages to reason and represent evolving information (e.g., dynamic epistemic logics); and formalism that aim to model new computing domains, including probabilistic, continuous and quantum computation. This special issue is dedicated to new advances in Dynamic Logic. Its aim is to bring together papers on both pure and applied aspects of various branches of DL, and foster the exchange of ideas between researchers working in DL and other disciplines. We invite submissions on both (a) theoretical topics from all branches of mathematical logic (e.g., proof-theory, model theory, game theory, computational complexity, etc.) in connection with DL, as well as (b) their applications in various areas (including computer science, linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, etc.). === Topics of Interest === We invite submissions on the general field of Dynamic Logic, its variants and applications, including, but not restricted to: * Dynamic logic, foundations and applications * Logics with regular modalities * Modal/temporal/epistemic logics * Kleene and action algebras and their variants * Quantum dynamic logic * Coalgebraic modal/dynamic logics * Graded and fuzzy dynamic logics * Dynamic logics for cyber-physical systems * Dynamic epistemic logic * Complexity and decidability of variants of dynamic logics and temporal logics * Model checking, model generation and theorem proving for dynamic logics === Submissions === Papers should be submitted via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dalsi2023). The submissions should be formatted according to the Journal's guidelines (https://www.elsevier.com/authors/policies-and-guidelines/latex-instructions). All submissions will undergo the usual peer-review process by the standards of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. === Guest editors === Diana Costa (LASIGE, University of Lisbon, Portugal) Carlos Areces (FAMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina) === A related conference === This special issue is a follow-up of the workshop “DaLí - Dynamic Logic: new trends and applications” (affiliated with LICS, as part of FLOC) that took part on the 31st of July and 1st of August 2022, (http://dali2022.campus.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/). Although the scope of the special issue coincides with that of the workshop, submissions are not restricted to papers presented there or papers by the participants. Rather, the call is open and all papers within the scope of the special issue are welcome. Best regards, Diana & Carlos DaLí 2022 special issue editors.