Applications are invited for the post of Post-Doctoral Research Assistant in the Computer Science Department at Royal Holloway, University of London. The post holder will have an exciting opportunity to work on the EPSRC-funded "Verification of Hardware Concurrency via Model Learning" (CLeVer) project, led by Prof. Alexandra Silva (UCL/Cornell) and Matteo Sammartino (RHUL), in collaboration with ARM, world-leading designer of multi-core chips. For an informal discussion about the post, please contact Matteo Sammartino on matteo.sammartino@rhul.ac.uk. # Brief description of the project Digital devices are increasingly complex, therefore there is a pressing need to automate the assessment of their correctness. Formal verification provides highly effective techniques to assess the correctness of systems. However, formal models are usually built by humans, and as such can be error-prone and inaccurate. The project aims to develop a novel verification framework for hardware, which combines learning, testing and model-checking. Not all models are suitable for this purpose and hence specific classes of models will need to be developed, depending on the task at hand. Subsequently, learning and verification techniques for these classes need to be devised and tested in realistic case studies. We have an industrial partner, ARM, that will provide valuable guidance on the design and development of the aforementioned tasks. # The ideal candidate We are looking for candidates with a PhD in one of the following areas: model-based testing and verification, model learning, automated analysis of hardware systems. Experience in multiple areas will be valued. Candidates ideally should also have strong programming skills. # Where to apply Additional details and a link to the application can be found here: https://jobs.royalholloway.ac.uk/0922-411-R-R <https://jobs.royalholloway.ac.uk/0922-411-R> The deadline is 20 Jan 2023 (midnight). Best wishes, Matteo Sammartino ============================== Matteo Sammartino, Lecturer Royal Holloway University of London Department of Computer Science Tel.: (+44) (0) 1784 44 3690 Office: 2-07, Bedford Building https://matteosammartino.com/ This email, its contents and any attachments are intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential information. In certain circumstances, it may also be subject to legal privilege. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted. If you have received this email in error, please notify us and immediately and permanently delete it. Any views or opinions expressed in personal emails are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Royal Holloway, University of London. It is your responsibility to ensure that this email and any attachments are virus free.