============ Call for Papers ============ ================================================= ICLA 2025: Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications Dates: Feb 3 -- 5, 2025 Venue: Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, India Website: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025 EasyChair CFP page: https://easychair.org/cfp/icla2025 Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icla2025 Abstract registration deadline (extended): Aug 29, 2024 AoE Submission deadline: Aug 29, 2024 AoE ================================================= =================== About the conference =================== The Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications (ICLA) is the primary conference of the Association for Logic in India (ALI [1]). It is a forum for bringing together researchers from a variety of fields in which formal logic plays a significant and often foundational role: Mathematics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Linguistics and Cognitive Science. A special feature of ICLA is the inclusion of studies in systems of logic in the Indian tradition, as well as historical research on logic. Details of the previous ICLA 2023 can be found at [2], and those of the earlier editions of the conference at the ALI website. [1] https://logicindia.org/ [2] https://icla2023.iiti.ac.in/ The upcoming ICLA 2025 is the 11th edition of the conference and will take place at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata during February 3 -- 5, 2025. —------------------------- ICLA 2025 features —------------------------- * Best paper and best student paper awards; * Two kinds of contributed papers: - Extended abstracts for inclusion in the conference proceedings that will be published in the FoLLI-LNCS series of Springer [3]. The review process for these abstracts will involve a rebuttal phase; - Short abstracts only for presentation in the conference; * Invitation to selected accepted papers of the conference for submission to a special issue of a journal (to be announced in due course); * ALI will co-organize with Jadavpur University, the Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (AWPL) which will take place for the first time in India in Kolkata following ICLA 2025. [3] https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/societies-and-lncs/folli-p... ===================================== Events: Main conference and co-located workshops ===================================== + Main conference: ICLA 2025: - Date: Feb 3 -- 5, 2025 - Venue: Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Kolkata [4] - Website: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025/ + Co-located workshop: AWPL 2025: - Date: Feb 6 -- 8, 2025 - Venue: Jadavpur University (JU) Kolkata [5] - Website: https://sites.google.com/view/awpl2025/ [4] https://www.isical.ac.in/ [5] https://jadavpuruniversity.in/ ================= Important dates ================= All dates below are AoE (Anywhere on Earth). - Abstract registration deadline: Aug 29, 2024 (earlier: Aug 25, 2024) - Submission deadline: Aug 29, 2024 - Rebuttal period: Oct 7 -- Oct 11, 2024 - Notification to authors: Oct 25, 2024 ==================== Submission guidelines ==================== Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research in any area of logic and its applications. Please see below for a detailed list of topics. EasyChair submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icla2025 —-------------------------------------------- Common guidelines for all submissions —-------------------------------------------- 1) A submission must either be an extended abstract or a short abstract. 2) Submissions must be in electronic form, and must be submitted through EasyChair via https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icla2025. 3) Submissions must be in English and should provide sufficient details to allow the program committee to assess their merits. Each submission must be a single PDF file. 4) Submissions will be peer-reviewed in a single-blind process. 5) Submissions authored or co-authored by PC members are allowed. PC member submissions will however be subject to a higher level of scrutiny than other submissions. 6) For an accepted submission, one of the authors must commit to presenting it at the conference either in person or online. —------------------------------------------------------ Additional guidelines for extended abstracts —------------------------------------------------------ 1) The submission should not exceed 12 pages excluding references, and should adhere to the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes LaTeX2e style [SV]. Detailed proofs of technical results or other supplementary material, if necessary, can be included in a clearly marked appendix or made available via pointers to technical reports which may be read at the discretion of the programme committee. There is no restriction on the length of the appendix. [SV] https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-gui... 2) Submissions of previously published works, or concurrent submissions to journals or to other conferences with proceedings, are not allowed. The authors can however make full versions of their submissions available at online repositories such as ArXiv, HAL and ECCC. 3) During the reviewing, there will be a rebuttal phase for extended abstracts which would give the authors an opportunity to respond to the initial reviews. Instructions related to the rebuttal will be communicated to the authors before the rebuttal period. 4) Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings which will appear in the FoLLI Publications on Logic, Language and Information [FoL], a sub-series of Springer LNCS. [FoL] https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/societies-and-lncs/folli-p... —------------------------------------------------- Additional guidelines for short abstracts —------------------------------------------------- 1) The submission should be about a page in length describing the main results of the work. Pointers to technical reports detailing the results can be provided. 2) There will be no rebuttal phase for short abstracts. 3) Accepted short abstracts will not be published in the conference proceedings. They will however be made available on the conference website. ================== Submission Topics ================== The submission topics include, but are not limited to, the following. Submissions of interdisciplinary nature are especially encouraged. + Algorithmic randomness, category theory, descriptive set theory, foundations of mathematics, homotopy type theory, logical aspects of topology, model theory, recursion theory, reverse mathematics, universal algebra + Belief change and revision, deontic logics, description logics, dynamic epistemic logic, first order modal logic, formal epistemology, imperative logics, logic and artificial intelligence, logic in decision and game theory, logic and social choice theory, logic and social cognition, logic and social software, logic for information, logic for probability and uncertainty, modal logic – algebraic, algorithmic, category theoretic and model theoretic aspects, multi-agent systems, normative reasoning, provability logics + Automata theory and logic, category theory in computer science, logic and algebraic methods, logic and concurrency, logic and games, logic and quantum computing, probabilistic logics and stochastic processes, transductions, two-variable logics, well quasi orders + Automated reasoning, formal analysis of programs, formal verification and synthesis, hyperproperties, logic in industrial applications, logic in security and privacy, programming language semantics, real time logics, temporal logics, theory and applications of SAT and SMT solvers and theorem provers, software/app development for logic + Algorithmic meta theorems, comonads in finite model theory, decision procedures for logics, definable functions on relational structures, logic and computational complexity, logic and constraint satisfaction problems, logic and databases, logic and graph structure theory, logic and machine learning, many valued logics in finite model theory, proof complexity, stability theory over finite structures + History of logic – Indian, Chinese and Western and comparative studies, Indian philosophical systems: Buddhism, Jainism, Mīmāṃsa and Nyāya, interaction of classical logic with other logics, many valued logics and their applications, non-monotonic logics, paraconsistency, particular systems of logic + General tools and frameworks for logical systems, Large Language Models (LLMs) – cognitive aspects and impact on society, logic and cognitive science, logic in education, logic and ethics in artificial intelligence, logic in law, logic and linguistics, logic and metaphysics, logic and philosophy of mathematics, logic and philosophy of science, philosophical issues of logical systems, philosophy of language ======= Awards ======= The following awards will be given to selected contributed papers during the conference: - Best paper award - Best student paper award All the authors in any paper considered for the best student paper award must be students at the time of submission of the paper. Please note that it is possible for neither of these awards to be given in the event that none of the submitted papers meet the requisite standards. ==================== Programme Committee ==================== Chairs: C Aiswarya (Chennai Mathematical Institute, India) Prabal Kumar Sen (University of Calcutta, India) Shashi Mohan Srivastava (IACS Kolkata and RKMVERI Belur, India) Members: Nikhil Balaji (IIT Delhi, India) Rupa Bandyopadhyay (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India) Sanjukta Basu (Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata, India) Sankha Basu (IIIT Delhi, India) Michael Benedikt (University of Oxford, UK) Kuntala Bhattacharya (Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata, India) Amita Chatterjee (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India) Madhumita Chatterjee (Jadavpur University Kolkata, India) Tran Chieu-Minh (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Deepak D’Souza (IISc Bangalore, India) Anupam Das (University of Birmingham, UK) Huimin Dong (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) Hans van Ditmarsch (University of Toulouse, CNRS, IRIT, France) Su Gao (Nankai University, China) Shibashis Guha (TIFR Mumbai, India) Petr Hliněný (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic) Purbita Jana (Madras School of Economics, India) Roman Kuznets (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) Moritz Lichter (RWTH Aachen, Germany) Khushraj Madnani (MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern, Germany) Amaldev Manuel (IIT Goa, India) Gayatri Panicker (Vellore Institute of Technology, India) Anand Pillay (University of Notre Dame, USA) R Ramanujam (Azim Premji University, India) Nicholas Ramsey (University of Notre Dame, USA) Krishna S (IIT Bombay, India) Abhisekh Sankaran (TCS Research, India) Manidipa Sanyal (University of Calcutta, India) Sylvain Schmitz (IRIF Paris, France) Chenwei Shi (Tsinghua University, China) Stephen G Simpson (Vanderbilt University, USA) Slawomir Solecki (Cornell University, USA) Shichang Song (Beijing Jiaotong University, China) Bama Srinivasan (Anna University, India) Vaishnavi Sundararajan (IIT Delhi, India) Sergei Starchenko (University of Notre Dame, USA) Sourav Tarafder (St. Xavier's College Kolkata, India) Ramanathan S Thinniyam (Uppsala University, Sweden) Jouko Väänänen (University of Helsinki, Finland) ================= Invited Speakers ================= Anil Nerode (Cornell University, USA) Janos Makowsky (Technion, Israel) Su Gao (Nankai University, China) Nicholas Ramsey (University of Notre Dame, USA) More speaker confirmations are awaited. ========================== Organizing Committee Chairs ========================== Sourav Chakraborty (Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata) Sujata Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute Chennai) ===================== Co-located Workshops ===================== Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic (AWPL) - Date: Feb 6 -- 8, 2025 - Venue: Jadavpur University (JU) Kolkata - Website: https://sites.google.com/view/awpl2025/ ========= Contact ========= For any queries or suggestions, feel free to write to: icla2025@gmail.com. More information and updates about the conference can be found at: https://logicindia.org/icla/icla2025/.