LICS 2023 Workshop on Combinatorial Games in Finite Model Theory June 24-25, 2023, Boston, USA https://gamesandfmt.org/workshop2023/ Updated Call for Contributions and Participation The goal of this workshop is to promote work at the interface of complexity and logic. The workshop has two main foci: the first is recent progress in using combinatorial games to prove logical (in)expressiblity results, the second is limitations in the method of combinatorial games as a tool for establishing lower bounds in computational complexity. Invited Speakers: Yijia Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) Erich Grädel (RWTH Aachen) Neil Immerman (University of Massachusetts Amherst) Antonina Kolokolova (Memorial University of Newfoundland) Submission Guidelines: Those wishing to speak at the workshop on any topic related to combinatorial games in finite model theory are invited to submit an Extended Abstract of up to three pages (including references) describing the content of the contributed presentation. At least one author from each accepted abstract must register for the workshop. *Presenters at the workshop are expected to be in person.* For additional information, please visit the workshop webpage https://gamesandfmt.org/workshop2023/ Important Dates (Updated): Abstract Submission: May 5, 2023 Author Notification: May 11, 2023 Early Registration Deadline: May 12, 2023 Regular Registration Deadline: June 9, 2023 Participation: Participation in person is strongly encouraged. However, the LICS 2023 conference also offers a basic virtual attendance option for all the workshops and the main conference (video broadcasting + chat for questions) for people that are not presenting and who will not be able to attend in person. For details, see the main LICS Registration Page <https://lics.siglog.org/lics23/registration.php>. Organizing and Program Committee: Marco Carmosino (IBM Research), Ronald Fagin (IBM Research), Phokion Kolaitis (UC Santa Cruz and IBM Research), Jonathan Lenchner (IBM Research), Ryan Williams (MIT) -- Phokion Kolaitis http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~kolaitis/