*** Call for Participation *** *** Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) 2022 *** - Early registration deadline: 3 January 2022 - Getting a visa: https://popl22.sigplan.org/attending/visa-information - Registration: https://popl22.sigplan.org/attending/registration - Further reduced student participation fee: see below - Accommodation: https://popl22.sigplan.org/venue/POPL-2022-venue Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) is an international conference on practical and theoretical topics in all areas that consider formal verification and certification as an essential paradigm for their work. CPP spans areas of computer science, mathematics, logic, and education. CPP 2022 (https://popl22.sigplan.org/home/CPP-2022) will be held on 17-18 January 2022 and will be co-located with POPL 2022. CPP 2022 is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGLOG, and supported by a diverse set of industrial sponsors. Similarly to other events collocated with POPL 2022, CPP will take place as an in-person event at the Westin Philadelphia (99 South 17th Street at Liberty Place, 19103 Philadelphia), and will require attendees to provide proof of vaccination (details will be available soon). Authors who are unable to attend CPP in person will be able to present remotely. All talks will be recorded, and all recordings will be available either as a livestream or soon afterwards. For more information about this edition and the CPP series, please visit https://popl22.sigplan.org/home/CPP-2022 ### Invited talks * June Andronick (UNSW Sydney). The seL4 verification: the art and craft of proof and the reality of commercial support * Andrew W. Appel (Princeton). Coq’s vibrant ecosystem for verification engineering * Cesar Munoz (Currently at AWS, Formerly at NASA, USA). Structural Embeddings Revisited ### Accepted papers The list of accepted papers is available at https://popl22.sigplan.org/home/CPP-2022#event-overview ### Subsidized student registration To facilitate in-person participation of undergraduate and graduate students who require financial assistance, CPP 2022 offers the opportunity to register at a special reduced rate, determined on a case-by-case basis, and implemented using a special-purpose registration code on POPL's registration website. Students wishing to apply for such support may do so by sending an email to the CPP conference co-chairs (Beringer and Krebbers, see below for their email) preferably by December 24, 2021, with a brief description of their situation. Notifications will be sent out at most one week later; hence, students who cannot be supported will still have the opportunity to register at the publicly available reduced rate, which is available until January 3rd. Applications arriving after December 24th will be considered only in exceptional cases. Students who already receive registration support for PLMW or are supported by SIGPLAN PAC are not eligible. CPP's student support is made possible by our generous industrial supporters: https://popl22.sigplan.org/home/CPP-2022 ### Contact For any questions please contact the chairs: Andrei Popescu <mailto:a.popescu@sheffield.ac.uk> (PC co-chair) Steve Zdancewic <mailto:stevez@seas.upenn.edu> (PC co-chair) Lennart Beringer <mailto:eberinge@cs.princeton.edu> (conference co-chair) Robbert Krebbers <mailto:mail@robbertkrebbers.nl> (conference co-chair) --- To opt-out from this mailing list, send an email to fm-announcements-request@lists.nasa.gov with the word 'unsubscribe' as subject or in the body. You can also make the request by contacting fm-announcements-owner@lists.nasa.gov