7 Nov
7 Nov
12:33 p.m.
A one-year Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in computational logic is offered by Tampere University, Finland. The position is primarily for the year 2024, but the beginning date can be negotiated. The exact research agenda can be tailored according to the candidate's personal interests. For more information, please visit https://tuni.rekrytointi.com/paikat/index.php?jid=2109&key=&o=A_RJ&rspvt=4sln8jwrwdgkgg0wgcsc84kgkcks8s0 The Tampere logic group currently consists of 11 researchers, with five faculty members, three postdocs and three PhD-students. The group's research interests span a wide range of topics, ranging from finite model theory and complexity of logics to answer set programming and explainability in AI.