============================================== FOMEO'21 Formal Methods Education Online: Tips, Tricks & Tools Collocated with ICALP 2021 https://www7.in.tum.de/~kretinsk/fomeo.html ============================================== Online instruction of formal methods has been a challenge in the last year, including teaching of basics of logics and automata theory, formal verification, theorem proving etc. This workshop brings together instructors of formal methods as well as developers of teaching support systems for formal methods to 1. present tools supporting teaching of formal methods education, and 2. discuss tips, tricks & experiences in online instruction gained in the last year. For more details on the workshop, visit our website at https://www7.in.tum.de/~kretinsk/fomeo.html IMPORTANT DATES: - submission May 08, 2021 (AOE) - notification May 21, 2021 - workshop July 12, 2021 SUBMISSION: You can submit your contribution at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fomeo21 Submissions should contain a title, a short abstract (to be published as part of the program) as well as a short description of how you plan to present (e.g. talk/live demo and/or poster/demo exhibition booth). The time slots for presentations can vary, as we expect short presentations of tips&tricks but also some longer demos of tools. In the gather-town-like sessions, every presenter/project will have a presentation area where demos, poster presentation, etc. (presenters have complete freedom) are possible. Please feel very welcome to ask any questions! ORGANIZERS: Jan Křetínský (TU Munich, jan.kretinsky@tum.com) Maximilian Weininger (TU Munich, maxi.weininger@tum.de) Thomas Zeume (Ruhr University Bochum, thomas.zeume@rub.de)