=========================================================== Call for Participation FOMEO'21 Formal Methods Education Online: Tips, Tricks & Tools Collocated with ICALP 2021 on 12 July 2021 https://www7.in.tum.de/~kretinsk/fomeo.html =========================================================== Online instruction of formal methods has been a challenge in the last year, including teaching of basics of logics and automata theory, formal verification, theorem proving etc. This workshop brings together instructors of formal methods as well as developers of teaching support systems for formal methods to (a) present web-based teaching support systems for formal methods education, and (b) discuss tips, tricks & experiences in online instruction gained in the last year. REGISTRATION: Registration for FOMEO'21 is open via the ICALP workshop registration: http://easyconferences.eu/icalp2021/registration/ The deadline for registration is July 7th AoE. Please feel very welcome to ask any questions via mail to fomeo21@easychair.org! PROGRAM on Monday, July 12 (CEST) 10:00-11:00 Formal languages and methods - Francois Schwarzentruber. Tableaunoir: an online blackboard for teaching formal methods - Maximilian Weininger. Automata Tutor - Norbert Hundeshagen and Martin Lange. From Competences to Feedback -- Formal Methods Needed Everywhere - Felix Freiberger, Gregory Stock and Holger Hermanns. Teaching Concurrency Online with pseuCo 11:00-11:45 Discussion and demos in Gather.town 13:00-13:45 Logics: Modelling/Transformations/Reasoning - Josje Lodder, Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring. Tools for teaching proofs in logic: LogEx, LogAx and LogInd - Marko Schmellenkamp. Iltis: Teaching Logic in the Web - Francois Schwarzentruber. Hintikka's World: teaching epistemic reasoning 14:00-14:45 Logics: Deduction - Jørgen Villadsen. Formal Methods Online: Natural Deduction Assistant (NaDeA) - Joachim Breitner. The Incredible Proof Machine - Pierre Le Barbenchon, Sophie Pinchinat and Francois Schwarzentruber. Pravda: a tool for learning formal logic 14:45-open Discussion and demos in Gather.town Additional demos in gather.town Jakub Dakowski, Aleksandra Draszewska, Barbara Adamska, Dominika Juszczak, Łukasz Abramowicz and Robert Szymański. Addressing logic students' proof making difficulties with Plugin Oriented Programming and gamification Muhammad Atif. Model Checking through Process Algebra mCRL2 ORGANIZERS: Jan Křetínský (TU Munich, jan.kretinsky@tum.com) Maximilian Weininger (TU Munich, maxi.weininger@tum.de) Thomas Zeume (Ruhr University Bochum, thomas.zeume@rub.de) Please feel very welcome to ask any questions via mail to fomeo21@easychair.org!