***Apologies for multiple receptions of this message*** First Call for Workshops - ICALP 2022 - July 4 - July 8, 2022 Paris, France https://icalp2022.irif.fr/ <https://icalp2022.irif.fr/> The International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP) is the main conference and annual meeting of the EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science). This year, after two virtual ICALP events, we are happy to be able to host this event in hybrid mode--and hope that many of us will be able to meet again in beautiful Paris! This is a call for workshops to be affiliated with ICALP 2022. We invite researchers to organise workshops on central topics on Automata, Languages and Programming, to help further mark off ICALP 2022. Important Dates: Workshop proposal deadline: Friday 19 November 2021, 23:59 AoE Workshop notification: Friday 10 December 2021 Workshops: Monday 4 July 2022. We strongly suggest that prospective workshop organizers contact the workshop selection committee before submitting a proposal. Workshop Proposal Guidelines: Proposals should be submitted no later than *** Friday 19 November 2021 *** by sending an email to the workshop selection committee, see below. You should expect notification on the acceptance of your proposal by 10 December 2021. A workshop proposal submission should consist of the following A short scientific justification of the proposed topic, its significance, and the particular benefits of the workshop to the community. An organisational part including: - workshop’s name and URL (if already available); - contact information for the workshop organizers (including their webpages); - expected number of participants (if available, please include the data of previous years); - proposed format and agenda (e.g. paper presentations, tutorials, see below for more details); - potential invited speakers; - plans for dissemination, if any (e.g. a journal special issue); - planned format of the event (see below for mode details); - virtual/hybrid backup plans (including platform preference). As for the format, a standard option is a full one-day workshop consisting of invited talks by leading experts and of shorter contributed talks, either directly invited by the organizers or selected among presentation submissions. Deviations from this standard are also welcome, including open problem sessions, discussion panels, or working sessions. If you plan to have invited speakers, please specify their expected number and, if possible, tentative names. If you plan a call for contributed talks (or papers) followed by a selection procedure, the submission date should be scheduled after ICALP 2022 notification (11 April 2022), while the notification should take place before the early registration deadline. In your submission please include details on the schedule, planned procedure of selecting contributed talks (or papers). If you plan to have published proceedings of your workshop, please provide the name of the publisher. Note that ICALP 2022 is not able to provide financial support for the organization of workshops. The conference can however provide a room, internet connection and help with some local organisation. For workshops that are online or in hybrid mode, it is expected that the organizers provide the supporting technical infrastructure. Workshop Selection Committee: Track A: Valia Mitsou <vmitsou@irif.fr <mailto:vmitsou@irif.fr>> Track B: Mahsa Shirmohammadi <mahsa@irif.fr <mailto:mahsa@irif.fr>>