Two 4-year PhD positions @ AUTOSARD ====================================================================== Within the AUTOSARD project, led by Georg Moser (University of Innsbruck) and Florian Zuleger (Vienna University of Technology), both in Austria, there are two openings for 4 year PhD student positions. In AUTOSARD, we target an automated complexity analysis of the most common data structures with good, ie. sublinear, complexity, as they are typically used in standard libraries of programming languages. Our goals are the verification of textbook data structures, the confirmation and improvement (on coefficients) of previously reported complexity bounds, as well as the automated analysis of realistic data structure implementations. For more details, kindly see https://tcs-informatik.uibk.ac.at/projects/autosard/ The PhD positions will be be jointly supervised by Georg and Florian and are either located at Innsbruck or Vienna. Applications (including CV, short letter of motivation, three references, preferred location) should be submitted to either - Georg Moser (georg.moser@uibk.ac.at) or - Florian Zuleger (florian.zuleger@tuwien.ac.at) no later than *March 12, 2023*. Informal inquiries may be sent to either Florian or Georg. The city of Innsbruck is superbly located in the beautiful surroundings of the Tyrolean Alps. The combination of urban life in this historic town and the Alpine environment provides a high quality of living. On the other hand, Vienna has just last year reclaimed the title of the world’s most liveable city; a title it frequently held in the last years. Further information on the hosting groups and institutions is available from the following links: - Theoretical Computer Science Group https://tcs-informatik.uibk.ac.at/ - University of Innsbruck https://www.uibk.ac.at/ - Formal Methods in Systems Engineering https://informatics.tuwien.ac.at/orgs/e192-04 - Vienna University of Technology https://www.tuwien.at/ Best wishes, Florian and Georg