The School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow is offering up to 17 studentships to support PhD research for students starting in 2021. Funding is available to support tuition fees for both home and international students, and in most cases to support living expenses at the recommended UKRI rate (currently £15,285 per annum) in addition. Whilst the above funding is open to students in all areas of computing science, applications in the area of programming languages are welcomed. Available supervisors in this area at the School include (check the PL theme website https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/research/researchthemes/pl-theme/ <https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/research/researchthemes/pl-theme/> for further details) * Dr Ornela Dardha (programming language foundations, logic, session types for concurrent/distributed systems), email ornela.dardha@glasgow.ac.uk <mailto:ornela.dardha@glasgow.ac.uk> * Prof Simon Gay (programming language theory, verification techniques based on session types for concurrent/distributed systems), email simon.gay@glasgow.ac.uk <mailto:simon.gay@glasgow.ac.uk> * Dr Jeremy Singer (compilers, cloud, managed run-times, parallelism, resource management), email Jeremy.singer@glasgow.ac.uk <mailto:Jeremy.singer@glasgow.ac.uk> * Prof Phil Trinder (programming languages, functional programming, parallel/distributed systems), email phil.trinder@glasgow.ac.uk <mailto:phil.trinder@glasgow.ac.uk> * Prof Wim Vanderbauwhede (programming languages, compilation, heterogeneous & FPGA computing), email wim.vanderbauwhede@glasgow.ac.uk <mailto:wim.vanderbauwhede@glasgow.ac.uk> Students can apply for admission to PhD study at any time, but to be considered for the studentships we are offering at this round, we must receive your application by 31 January 2021. For more information about how to apply, see https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/postgraduateresearch/prospectivestud... <https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/postgraduateresearch/prospectivestudents/>. This web page includes information about the research proposal, which is required as part of your application. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact a potential supervisor and discuss an application before the submission deadline. See https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/postgraduateresearch/prospectivestud... <https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/postgraduateresearch/prospectivestudents/studentshipinformation/> and https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/postgraduateresearch/prospectivestud... <https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/computing/postgraduateresearch/prospectivestudents/phd-projects> for more details about the funding available. Information session: we will be running an information session for potential applicants on Friday 11 December from 1100-1200 GMT. The session is intended to give you an insight into the research currently undertaken in the School of Computing Science, scholarships and other sources of funding available, and how to make your application. The event will take place via Zoom; to obtain a link, you must sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pgr-information-session-tickets-129903562051 <https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pgr-information-session-tickets-129903562051>.