Fwd: [EESTEC] [Fwd: Workshop in Budapest!!! (10-16 October)]

Hallo, hier ein Event in Budapest. Die Anmeldung kann wie immer über uns erfolgen. mfg! Simon Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
Hey CPs,
we'd like to introduce our 'Networking Workshop', which will be held from the 10th to the 16th of October!
The places are quite limited :/, we can accept not more than 18 people (and not more than 2 participant per LC). If u are willing to come and are accepted, we can assure you that u'll be enjoying your stay here in Budapest as well as the professional courses. :) So, hurry up with applying to this workshop at the email address: cp@eestec.hu !
The programme (just outlines:) : 10.Oct.: arrival to Budapest and welcome party 11-14.Oct.: presentations, labs, fun & parties :) 15.Oct.: farewell party 16.Oct.: departure day
Regards, Zsolt Czinkan CP of LC Budapest, Hungary
-- Electrical Engineering Students' European Association LC Aachen, Germany Simon Gabriel, Chairman simon@eestec.de www.eestec.rwth-aachen.de
participants (1)
EESTEC Fachschaft Elektrotechnik