Fwd: [CP] [EVENT]IEEE event helping

Our friends from IEEE are organizing event and if any of you (EESTECERs) wish to participate feel free to contact them. ***** IEEE SB Rijeka "Smart Grid" workshop 2nd - 7th May 2010. Deadline to apply: April 25th ***** Dear IEEE and EESTEC members, IEEE SB Rijeka is inviting you to a workshop. This time the theme is "Smart Grid" The classes will be held by leading experts in energy production and distribution. We will also visit renewable energy site, and a factory. Apart from work, we'll also have fun (if you like to party), show you some traditional cuisine, and introduce you to Rijeka and Istria, the land of great heritage. If you're interested, hurry because the space is limited. Food, and sleep things covered. Application send on: zrinscak@gmail.com <mailto:zrinscak@gmail.com> ---> questions too :)
participants (1)
CP Aachen