Fwd: [CP] [EVENT] @your Service - LC Patras 10th -16th May 2010

********************************************* Organizing LC : LC Patras Workshop: @your Service When: 10.05.2010 - 16.05.2010 Number of participants: 15 Deadline:* 19.4.2010* Email to contact: eestec.patras@gmail.com <mailto:madrid@eestec.net> Application form: here <http://eurielec.etsit.upm.es/%7Ekrun/app_form/Application_Form.doc%20> (thanks Adri :) ) ************************************************************************** Hello Εestecers! Well, in about a month it will be May.. So what else will be better than some sun, some sea, some wine and some... lectures? And where else could you combine all these together than in Greece? And since our big brother lc, LC Athens, is still recovering from the COC experience, the only, yet, the best :-P choice would be... LC Patras! After a long delay and some unbearable anticipation,"@your Service" is finally only a few weeks away from happening! The topic will be on Technolgies at Human's Service and there will be some "lectures" on robotics, telematics, acoustics and more! What we are trying to achieve is to avoid boring, looooooong lectures by a projector and some ugly presentations but to offer as much as possible either the hands-on experience of interacting with research prototypes or the chance to take a close look at technologies that our departement is researching on. But is this gonnna be an all work and no play workshop? Certainly not! The fun part includes visits to both a technology and a historical museum, a walk on the famous bridge of Rio and, if weather permits it, a stroll through the picturesque town of Naupaktos, city rallies, beach parties, swimming, free wine, souvlaki, parties and more! So what are you waiting for? There is already* little time left *so apply as soon as possible! PS: If everything goes well with our FR, we will be able to raise the number of participants to 20. Cheers from sunny Greece, Iris Diakoumi LC Patras Contact Person
participants (1)
CP Aachen