************************************************************************************ LC Munich: Oktoberfest Exchange When: 29.9.2010 - 5.10.2010 Participants: 10-12 Application form:Download <http://eestec.fs.ei.tum.de/events/past-events-in-munich/Appendix%20C%20-%20Application%20Form.doc/at_download/file> Applications to:eestec.ws@fs.ei.tum.de <mailto:eestec.ws@fs.ei.tum.de> Participation fee: 90 € Deadline to apply: 14.8.2010 ************************************************************************************ Dear EESTECers, LC Munich is proud to announce that we will organize an event never done before: The soon-to-be-legendary Oktoberfest Exchange! It will take place between Wednesday the 29th September and Tuesday the 4th October. A few words regarding the concept of this exchange: There will be no lectures, however, entertainment during your stay in Munich will be cared for. We will accommodate you privately, since there is no way to get a hotel spot in Munich during Oktoberfest without paying ridiculous prices. Unfortunately we have to ask a participation fee of 90€. This includes beer and food at the Oktoberfest worth 27€. Be advised, however, that you will very likely spend a lot more money on beer -- one beer is 8.50€. Munich is generally an expensive place during the Oktoberfest, but as usual, everything except for drinks is included for our participants. The exchange will include two visits to the famous "Wiesn" along with sightseeing to famous places such as Neuschwanstein, a nearby castle built by Bavarian King Ludwig II. For various organisational reasons we unfortunately cannot accept more than 10-12 participants, the exact number is yet to be announced. We encourage you very much to apply, after all this is a once in a lifetime opportunity (unless we do it again next year) to visit the famous Okotberfest with few fellow EESTECers!! Don't miss out and send your application today :-) Deadline to apply is Saturday, August 14th, 12 PM (noon). Disclaimer: Due to the nature of the event and the extraordinary circumstances, we reserve the right not to respect your priority list. We encourage you, however, to send one anyway and apologize for the inconvenience. We'll try to fulfill your request as good as possible.