RWTH Aachen University would like to stay in touch with former researchers and offer them interesting opportunities and information services. With the project “Research Alumni of RWTH Aachen University ”, awarded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, we are presently expanding our network of former international researchers worldwide. For further information please visit We would appreciate your feedback! Please take the time to complete this survey (it shouldn’t take you much longer than 5-10 minutes) to help us improve our service by attending your needs and interests. You have completed a research stay in the past or are currently engaged as a non-German guest scholar or scientist at RTWH Aachen University? Please fill out the survey for current research alumni: You are currently engaged as a foreign junior scientist, e.g. as PhD candidate or postdoc, at RTWH Aachen University? Please fill out the survey for future research alumni:
If you have questions about the project or the content of the survey, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you very much for your help! RWTH Alumni Your contact in the RWTH Alumni Team: Dr. Ana de la Varga & Reena James RWTH Aachen University Dezernat 2.0 - International Office,Fundraising and Alumni Abt. 2.4 - Fundraising und Alumni / Div. 2.4 - Fundraising and Alumni Templergraben 57, Room 6.21/6.22 D-52062 Aachen, Germany Phone.: +49 241 80-94768/90841 Fax: +49 241 80-92392 E-Mail:, |