Hey everyone!

The Stammtisch, or regulars' table, for international and German PhD students and post-docs will be meeting this Wednesday, Feb. 13 (the day after tomorrow), starting at 18:30 at Cafe Orient Expresso (Templergraben 46, www.orient-expresso.de). 

WHAT: Stammtisch

WHEN: Wed., Feb. 13, 18:30
WHERE: Orient Expresso Cafe (Templergraben 46)

So, if you have survived Karneval, come on down and join us for a (non-alcoholic?) drink.

See you there!

--your DocBuddy team

Visit us on Facebook - RWTH DoC.NET (www.facebook.com/groups/31975098323) 


Have you heard of the DocBuddy program, which matches new international PhD students and post-docs with locals who already know their way around Aachen? Check out the program and sign up at the Website: www.rwth-aachen.de/bebuddy