Hey everyone, RE: ADVENTSKAFFEE Well, the weather sure has taken a snowy, wintry turn, and that means Christmas is on the way! To celebrate the season, we'll be having an "Adventskaffee" and baking Christmas cookies at the Humboldt-Haus (Pontstraße 41) this Sunday, Dec. 5th, starting at 13:00. You can bring your own recipes and special ingredients if you like, and friends and family members are welcome to join in! RE: STAMMTISCH Also, the Stammtisch, or regulars' table, will take place as usual at the restaurant Paella (Kockerellstraße 22) on Tuesday, Dec. 7th, starting at 19:30. Come join us for a drink and some tapas and for a few hours we can pretend we're in a warmer climate...! Hope to see you soon! --your DocBuddy team DoC.NET: www.rwth-aachen.de/docnet/ BeBuddy: www.international.rwth-aachen.de/aw/cms/InternationalOffice/themen/internationale_wissenschaftler_-innen/forschen_an_der_rwth_aachen/doc_net_-_doktorandennetzwerk/~unq/docbuddy_-_das_bebuddy-programm_fuer_dokt/?lang=de