Dear Doc.net Users, This is to inform you that the new programmes are available NOW!! 1. Doc.Net Programme 2. Leisure & Pleasure Programme New Doctoral Students are invited to participate in the Welcome Meeting on 4th November. Please inform your colleagues who are new at RWTH Aachen University and ask them to register by email. Detailed information on the website: www.rwth-aachen.de/docnet Sincerely Ulrike Brands ____________________________________________________________ Dr. Ulrike Brands-Proharam Gonzalez RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY Abt. 2.2 - International Office Abteilungsleiterin - Ausländerstudium; Mobilität: Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika Head of Division - International Students Services; Mobility: Asia, Africa, Latin America 52056 Aachen Germany Tel.: +49 (0)241 8090677 Fax: +49 (0)241 8092662 Email: ulrike.brands@zhv.rwth-aachen.de Address for visitors: Templergraben 57 Room No. 423 52062 Aachen