Umfrage zu disziplin-spezifischen Aspekten der DMP-Vorlagen

Liebe Data Stewards, liebe FDM-Verantwortliche, vielen von Euch habe ich schon auf die Umfrage zu DMPs und den disziplinspezifischen Aspekten aufmerksam gemacht. Bitte füllt die Umfrage für Eure Disziplin aus und verteilt sie bitte auch an Eure Forschenden weiter. Mit Eurer Hilfe können wir DMPs einfacher gestalten. Hier die Original-Nachricht: Dear colleagues, the Research Data Alliance Working Group "Discipline-specific Guidance for DMPs"<> set up an online survey to broaden the knowledge about discipline-specific aspects in DMPs and make DMPs easier to fill in for researchers. We are an international team of central research data management structures and data stewards with different scientific backgrounds. For several years we have been supporting research data management practices at RWTH Aachen University, Delft University of Technology, Health Data Research UK, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, University of Wyoming, Penn State University and Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum. Within the RDA WG "Discipline-specific Guidance for DMPs"<>, we deal with discipline-specific adaptations of data management plans. This contributes to developing or adapting discipline-specific recommendations for DMPs. Accordingly, however, it will only be possible to produce recommendations for disciplines that participate in the survey. Therefore, we ask you to participate in the approximately 15-minute survey and help us create the catalog for your discipline. The survey will be conducted with the tool You can access the survey with the following link: All data will be stored on European servers and will be subject to European data protection. By participating, you agree to these terms and conditions. The results of the survey will be validated through individual workshops in the disciplines. If you are interested in helping us with this as well, please feel free to contact us at<>. We will be happy to provide the results to you. We will publish them open access on Zenodo<>. If you have any personal questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at<>. Please feel free to forward the survey to interested people. We thank you in advance for your participation and support and remain with kind regards Daniela Hausen On behalf of the RDA Discipline-specific Guidance for DMPs WG Vielen Dank und VG Daniela -- Daniela Hausen (Dipl.-Chem.) Dezernat Informationstechnologie Forschungsdatenmanagement Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen Templergraben 61 52062 Aachen Tel.: +49 241 80-90314 Fax: +49 241 80-92273<><>
participants (1)
Hausen, Daniela