Data Stewardship goes Germany Networking workshop for data managers, data experts, and data curators in natural sciences and technology The TU9, Association of German Universities of Technology<https://www.tu9.de/>, invites data stewards - sometimes also referred to as research data officers, research data handling officers, data experts, data curators or data managers - to a two-day workshop on research data management (RDM) in science and engineering. The event will be held on 13.-14.10.2022 in Braunschweig. As data stewards, you have subject matter expertise, are the first point of contact for researchers, and facilitate subject-specific, sustainable solutions for handling data and code, while also satisfying the demanding requirements made by funders. With this workshop we offer a framework for exchange with like-minded people. Case studies, unexpected hurdles, approaches and best practices will be presented and discussed. In addition to presentations and a poster session on the first day, there will be a bar camp on the second day. This is a special conference format that is designed openly and whose specific content and agenda are determined by the participants at the event. The workshop will be held in English and is open to all data stewards, whether you are just starting out or have already implemented best practice solutions you want to share with the community. Participation in the workshop is free of charge. On the evening of the first day, a joint dinner is planned on a self-pay basis. The workshop will be followed by focus events on scientific tools and resources in the field of RDM, for example deep dives into specific ELNs, working with GitHub/GitLab, subject-specific virtuel working environments and more. The focus events will not only be open to the participants of the workshop, but for everyone who is interested. For this purpose, topics of interest will be collected during the registration and the workshop itself. Even if you do not attend the workshop, you can suggest topics for the focus events via ub-data-stewards@tu-braunschweig.de<javascript:linkTo_UnCryptMailto(%27kygjrm8sz%2Bbyry%2BqrcuypbqYrs%2Bzpyslqafucge%2Cbc%27);>. Further information can be found on the workshop website: https://www.tu-braunschweig.de/ub/tu9-data-steward-workshop If you want to register right away, please use this form<https://www.tu-braunschweig.de/ub/tu9-data-steward-workshop/registration-and-submission>. If you have any questions, contact us at: ub-data-stewards@tu-braunschweig.de<mailto:ub-data-stewards@tu-braunschweig.de> Call for Papers / Contributions · Deadline for contributions 19.08.22 · End of the review phase 05.09.22 The aim of this workshop is to provide an exchange of experiences of data stewards, data managers, data experts, data curators from technical and natural science disciplines, to enable networking and to enable discussions on future developments in the field of data stewardship in Germany (and beyond). We kindly invite you to present your progress reports and case studies. What problems do you face or how have you addressed them? Point out possible solutions or report on best practices that you have developed in your team. How do you balance your activities between data management and research activities and how is the communication in your working group? All researchers regardless of their levels of experience (from beginner to experienced data steward) are herewith invited to report their experiences, hurdles, problems or solution approaches. The following aspects could be presented: · RDM workflows and their support · communication with other researchers · used tools · training/consultation of other researchers · problems or hurdles encountered in implementing the activities · Where do I start if I am new to my position? The workshop language is English and contributions should also be submitted in English. There are two types of workshop contributions possible: Presentation/ Field Report Submission of an abstract (800-1000 words) Each presentation will have 20 minutes of presentation time and 10 minutes of discussion time. Poster Submission of an abstract (500-750 words) Posters will be presented during a poster session at the workshop. At least one person is expected to be available to answer questions during the poster session. Abstracts should be sent as a PDF file by 19.08.2022 via this form<https://www.tu-braunschweig.de/ub/tu9-data-steward-workshop/registration-and-submission>. The review will be done anonymously by the program committee in a "double blind" process, therefore the PDF file should not directly indicate the authorship. Notification of whether the contribution has been accepted will be sent by 05.09.2022 at the latest. A publication in a thematic issue of Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement<https://bausteine-fdm.de/> is planned. The elaborated articles may be in German or English. Please direct any queries via mail to the following address: ub-data-stewards@tu-braunschweig.de<mailto:ub-data-stewards@tu-braunschweig.de> If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me as well. I hope I can welcome a lot of you in this workshop. Best wishes Daniela -- Daniela Hausen (Dipl.-Chem.) Dezernat Informationstechnologie Forschungsdatenmanagement NFDI4Chem Task Area 5: Community and Training https://nfdi4chem.de/ Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen Templergraben 61 52062 Aachen Tel.: +49 241 80-90314 Fax: +49 241 80-92273 hausen@ub.rwth-aachen.de<mailto:hausen@ub.rwth-aachen.de> www.ub.rwth-aachen.de<http://www.ub.rwth-aachen.de/> [rdm_banner_EN]<https://www.nfdi4chem.de/index.php/event/workshop-fair-research-data-management-basics-for-chemists/>