PhD Vacancy: Position on Compilation of Quantum Programs

[Apologies for cross-posting] We are seeking after applicants for the PhD project Compiler Optimization for Shuttling-Based Quantum Computing Architectures (COSMOS) to be pursued at RWTH Aachen University. The goal of this project is to develop systematic support for compiling quantum software to computing architectures featuring qubit shuttling operations, which allow to dynamically reconfigure the quantum circuit between subsequent gate operations. They are common for quantum computing architectures based on semiconductor qubits, trapped ions, or neutral atoms. While there exists a large body of work for non-shuttling architectures, advanced compilation methods that allow to move qubits are rather scarce. We aim to provide a contribution to this field in the form of a systematic framework building on graph transformations, which will enable the use of classical compiler optimization techniques to be applied in a quantum setting. The resulting gain in algorithmic efficiency will accelerate the advent of applications on shuttling based architectures. The project is a cooperation between the JARA-FIT Institute for Quantum Information and the Software Modeling and Verification (MOVES) Group at RWTH Aachen University and will be jointly supervised by Hendrik Bluhm and Thomas Noll. The application deadline is September 30, 2023 (AoE), and the expected starting date is early 2024. For further details, please refer to <>.
participants (1)
Noll, Thomas